
Do You Think Schecter is the best make of guitar??

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I Do!




  1. There is no such thing as a "best" manufacturer of guitars.

    They all do different things, different styles, and everyone has different tastes.

    One man will say a Fender is the best, while you turn around and a Gibson is, while some guy from afar yells about ESP or Ibanez.

    All opinions.

  2. How do you define "Best".  Even within the same model, never mind make, of guitar there are differences so extreme in the action, tone and "Feel", that a person would swear blind that it is a forgery they are playing.  The intonation and setup of a guitar can make even a cheap copy play and sound better than a much more expensive guitar and even given that you, or anyone, thinks a particular make is the "best" it would imply that you have played every make of guitar ever made to come to that conclusion, and with all due respect to you, I doubt that very much.  Personal preference is one thing but to make such a sweeping statement even if you have played every make and model ever made is just a wee bit pretentious, sorry!

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