
Do You Think That Henri Paul Was Involved In Princess Diana, Dodi Murder?

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Henri Paul went to see the Parerazzi 5 five times and he waved at the paperazzi as Princess Diana and Dodi came out from the Back of The Ritz Hotel, and Henri Paul pockets was full of money.

Do you think that the paprazzi paid Henri Paul for information on Diana movements.

I'am beginning to suspect Mr Henri Paul.




  1. No, I think that the death of Princess Diana and Dodi Al-Fayed was a tragic accident.

    RIP Princess Diana, Dodi Al-Fayed, and Henri Paul

  2. I loved Princess Diana very much and I always will.  However, I think we need to let her rest in peace now.  It appears that Henri Paul was drunk and driving too fast, and our sweet Princess was killed.  Yes, the paparazzi were chasing them, but they should have just stayed put at the Ritz and not left that fateful night.  Nothing we do can ever bring her back, so we need to remember the positive things she stood for, and do good work in her memory.

    R.I.P. Princess Diana... I will always miss you.

  3. yeah i think so

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