
Do You Think That Twilight Will Become A Sleeper Hit ?

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Do you think that Twilight will become a sleeper hit ?

For Clarification

Sleeper Hit-refers to a film, book, single, album, TV show, or video game that gains unexpected success or recognition.

I mean, some people are saying that Twilight will be a box office bombshell(Meaning Bad) because the plot is so weak.

I think that they're wrong,

Some of the greatest motion pictures were suppost to be box office bombshells like Titanic, Napoline Dynamite, Star Wars, Legally Blonde, Clueless etc.

So what's your opinion ?




  1. I don't think that anyone expects Twilight to flop.  I mean, its plot probably sucks, its actors are probably not up to par with a 1950s B-Movie, but none of that matters when you have an audience of people who can't get enough of their favorite book and want to see it on the big screen.  That's why so many film adaptations of books and videogames (cough*aloneinthedark*cough) make people who don't like the source material want to stab their eyes out with a rusty fork, and make those who have any real respect for the source material want to punch the director.

  2. The plot is very weak, but it doesn't matter. There are still so many fans that will go out and see that movie. It is very publicized therefore it is getting ALOT of exposure. No I think that Twilight will do just fine in the box office...For the first weekend at least.  

  3. Where the book has such a large fan-base I don't think it will be a box-office bomb, so long as they don't slaughter it. I usually never enjoy a movie as much as I do a book, but you are able to include so much detail in a book whereas there a time constraints in movies. So all in all I hope it does well and continues on with creating the rest of the books into movies, I'll be anxious to see them brought to life.

  4. in my opinion, it will be just the opposite.

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