
Do You Think The g*y Movement Needs The Equivalent Of A "Black Panther" Group?

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One of the main reasons why African-Americans got their rights was due to their influential public speakers and their militant style support groups.

Do you think the g*y movement is too passive in their fight for equality? Do you think we should become more militant instead of trying to put on the biggest freak fests full of public kink?

Maybe we will be looked at more seriously... what do you think?




  1. I thought that's what the Village People was for.

  2. If you want to be taken seriously and have rights, then just live a normal life!  Why do you say you want to be left alone and just live in peace and yet the g*y lifestyle takes to the streets with parades where you are dressed like circus freaks!  How can anybody believe you are serious about wanting acceptance when you wear a leather banana hammock and dance through the streets of major cities?  I for one could care less if you are g*y or straight, just don't shove it down my throat.  If straight people dressed like g*y people in the parades and had a parade, nobody would take them seriously either!  You are your own worse enemies.  No, I don't think you need a "figure head" just mind your own business and live your own life and stop labling yourselves.

  3. I think the g*y community is going the right way about it.. They arent shoving their **** down ppls throats (like the religious nut jobs do)..

    The sooner ppl learn to accept homosexuality the d**n better!

    They are getting there tho.. what more could you ask for..

    And BTW those "freak fests full of public kink" are fantastic and should not change.. Thats the whole point of being OUT!.. if ya gonna do it.. do it big, might as well be fabulous & proud of something that is a part of you.

  4. HaHaHaHaHaHa!  I laughed so hard that Diet Coke came out of my nose!!!  What movement, in particular are you concerned about?  Acceptance?  So what if no one accepts your sexual preferences. It is not of public concern.  Is it? Marriage?  I don't think a Black Pantheresque Rebellion is gonna' help you there, either.

    I just have an image in my mind of a bunch of b!tchy g**s dressed like trendy little Black Panthers with (of course) no guns, demanding their rights!  TeeHee! Act Up! Act Up!

  5. the militant style developed after the accomplishments of the civil rights movement in legislating equal rights laws.  It was the first expression of the pent up anger of a cruelly suppressed minority.  But, the getting that anger out in the open did about as much damage to the African American community as any movement since the civil rights accomplishments.  It gave an angry and distructive face to young African Americans who expressed their second generation anger at schools by dismissing the value of learning to read, write, and do middle level mathmatics.  They abandoned the opportunities education affords, that the Brown v. Board of Education guaranteed for young African Americans, and the damages flowing from that abandonment, in my opinion, still rage in America.  We are actually retreating, as a society-all of us.

  6. You might want to contact the group which already exists in the United Kingdom. Curiously, they are named for an incident which happened here.

  7. Maybe you should just enjoy your sexual preference in quiet like the majority of heterosexuals do.

    Or you and the other g**s can move somewhere else and start your own country.  Kinda like the Americans did against the English for religious freedom.

  8. You're comparing black people to g**s? How ridiculous. The lifestyle you chose is no where near black people, or white people, or Asian people, or Hispanic people, and so on. Homosexuality is never going to happen and you will be thrown out.

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