
Do You Think This IS GREAT?!?

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I'm going to my country this sunday and guess what's great about it! Its my first time going! I came to the U.S. when I was 3 yrs old and I haven't gone since. Do you think that I will have a Good time? Why or why not? What do you all think?! Hint: Its Bolivia




  1. i think that you will if you lat your self, try to keep a open mind    have fun  and good luck

  2. i wouldnt have a good time in bolivia.

  3. It'll be what you make of it. It sounds like you are excited and looking forward to it, so you will most likely have a great time.

  4. so ur from the usa wow cool i live in the us im positive ull have a great time have fun!!!

  5. guard your kidneys

  6. haha ur bolivian lmao

  7. It's a European country. Of course you'll have fun. There's tons of stuff to do in Europe. You're also connected to the other side of the world, which I think is pretty cool.

  8. I think it is what you make it. Keep an open mind about everything you see and make the best of it. I don't know anything about Bolivia, but I know that when I went to my country (jordan), which I hadn't seen for 7 years, I loved it. I thought I would hate it and I didn't want to go. Afterwards, I didn't want to leave.

  9. It 's sound like you are not excited . You left very early and it 's a new place to you !!But should be exciting

  10. Depends.  If your expectations are too high, probably not.  But i'm sure it will be good overall.

  11. i thnk you will like it but remember its third world country and its good to visit but not tolive its probably different from what you have seen.

  12. Yes im sure you'll have a great time!

  13. You'll surely have a great time there.

  14. hgfhgfhgfhgfhdfhgf

  15. Sure you'll have fun!  Because as far as you know, it's a different experience.  It will be different than the US and it will be like a vacation!

    And you can discover your roots in that country and learn more about yourself than you really did know.

    Well have fun!!!

  16. whats so great about bolivia?

  17. Well since you were a small child.  I assume your interests will be much broader now.  Plan for everything, yet above all, be courteous of their "ways" that  ARE different from yours.

    Be kind and curious with appreciation.

    Ask for and TAKE the advise of others in social situations, since customs and actions DO mean different things is different parts of the world.

    As much as you assume to know, you know even less.  That's bee the reality of my world travel and its a wonderful surprise every time.

    Have a great trip.

  18. I think you will have a great time--meeting relatives and seeing places and things your parents have probably told you about.  Have a wonderful trip!

  19. You'll Love it Here!

  20. you will have enjoy a new experience... absorb all you learn !!

  21. why not?? does not depends on the county but on the people you are gonna hang out with and yo are gonna do there

  22. good!nice for you.,i also want to  go to bolivia..but if you are asking if you will have a good time!it depends on you!it is psychological,it depends on you if you want to make.,but be happy always...God bless.take care...

  23. Have fun have a shopping spree they do have malls in Boliva right any way have a awesome.

  24. you will love t its ur country ur rooots and ur familly u will feel right at hoime..

    pls answer my ques;...

  25. to be honest

    i have been to Bolivia personally

    spent 1 month their

    its good that your going their because of your heritage and all

    but let me warn you

    it IS a dangerous and poor country

    the poorest country in all of South America

    while i was their for the month

    we were robbed 6 times

    and had 1 attempted kidnapping (my sister)

    it is a very dusty place as well

    watch out for the monkeys

    my sister got her finger bit off cuz of one.

    im not saying bolivia sucks

    but i didnt like it personally

    with the exception of a few things

    they are...

    -Dumbo (a famous Bolivian restaurant based in Bolivia with restaurants in Cochabamba, La Paz, Santa Cruz, and many other cities.

    -Villa Tunari (a 5 hour drive from Cochabamba it is a very interesting place with a culture of its own)

    -Hotel Presidente (in downtown la paz a 5 star hotel which has excellent accomadations and a amazing view, all for under 75 dollars USD.)

    -also beware of the altitude, as La Paz is literally the highest city in the world in terms of altitude

    -also be very mindful of your posesions and safety


    this is a very poor country

    but their still is interesting things to be seen

    just be careful

    for more info

    try buying a Lonely Planet

  26. i hope you do!


  27. Cool!

  28. Uuuuhhh...sure, yeah, whatever you say.

  29. u will totally have a great time, becuz u'll remember everything and all ur customs. it might bring back memories, and all that. u willl have a great time! and have so much fun!

  30. Probably, once you get used to jetlag :P

    what do you mean "it's Bolivia"

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