
Do You Think This Is Fully My Fault?

by Guest65938  |  earlier

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I lost my job 3 weeks ago. I am receiving unemployment benefits so I am still contributing what I can to the house hold expenses, until I get a new job. My boyfriend (who lives with me) spends his money on things that are not important right now and keeps complaining that he has to "support" me. The last few days have been really hard, he spent his whole last check bringing his kids to the fair. We have no gas in the car, hardly any food in the house and the part that he is especially mad about is he has no tobacco. He is mad at me and has been yelling at me for the past 2 days. He says this is all my fault because I lost my job. I realize that it didn't help things when I lost my job but I feel that with him knowing this, he should be more careful what he is spending his money on. I keep telling him to try to make his tobacco last longer but he wont. He is mad at me and says I don't know how to be a girlfriend because I am not taking care of him. Am I wrong to be upset and pissed about his attitude?




  1. OMG!  This guy is a total loser!  He is so freakin self-centered it is crazy!   YOU  deserve way better.  I hope you don't have kids with him. I personally think you should eventually dump him.  I would just take note on how he is treating you especially when you are down.  When you get back on your feet you need to get rid of that jerk.  He is not loving you the way he should.  He IS TOTALLY THINKING ABOUT HIMSELF!!!! It would be better if you could find someone who is not a loser.  You should work on building yourself up. Go to school parttime and do what you need to do to put yourself in a situation where you don't have to depend on man and have to stay with him....when you find out he is an idiot.  You can do much better than that.  I know it.

  2. no you have every right to be pissed.  It takes two poeple to work a relationship.  He should be more understanding more carefull on his spending and knowing that your situation will be back on track, as im sure your looking for work.  But what would have happened had the tables been reversed.  I'm sure you would have stretched your meager earnings to cover you both until he got back on his feet an I right??  Well my dear take this has a warning sign, he is nickle and dimeing you,  is this the value of your realtionship in his eyes?  

  3. Dump his ***

  4. No you are not wrong. If you are actively seeking a job there really isn't much more you can do except to save as much of your unemployment as you can.

    He needs to be less selfish and spend less as well. It's just the way it goes when you enter a relationship that leads a lifestyle that depends on a double income.

  5. His attitude about the whole situation is terrible. You should use this as an insight as to what it would be like if the two of you were to get married. He's concerned more about his tobacco than he is about getting food on the table. Should he have spent his whole check on his kids? No. It's good that he's spending time with them and I applaud him for that but when you're strapped for cash you don't go and throw your check at one thing. You are in the right to be upset and pissed at him. If I were you, I would find another job immediately and if you share a checking/savings account then open your own without telling him. Save up your money and when you have at least 6 months of rent/utilities/food saved up, move out into your own apartment and if you do indeed share a checking/savings account then take out your share and never look back.

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