
Do You Think i will Regret this ?

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I want to tattoo a M on both of my #ss cheeks its spells MOM and when I do hand stands it says WOW.

maybe even tattoo eye lashes on my bum hole




  1. most liekly you will regret it sometime.

    I think everyone does at some point in time.

    Me and My brother are getting matching stars on

    our wrists most likely or on his wrist and like under my arm towards

    my back kinda.

    haha too hard to explain.

    But mom hmmmm that might be regretable and me and my brothers might as well but h**l its my body.

    And its also your body, and no one can tell you what to do with your

    own body, so i say just got with your heart never your head always let your heart win its always the best choice in the end.

    And do whatever you want to your body then.

    because its yours.

    My brothers star is going to look like this: on his wrist. but only the first drips of liquid not the really long ones or anything.

    And mines going to look like this: I dont want the drippings. lol.

  2. ………………..,-~*’`¯lllllll`*~,

















  3. You'll probably regret it.  If you got it your friends will probably make fun of you for doing soemthing g*y (which they should).

    But all that aside, go for it!  It would be AWESOME!

  4. Dont do it. When your old and wrinkly you will seriously regret it. Good Luck :)  

  5. its your butt you cant see it. i say go for it, its not like your gonna have to look at it everyday. if your serious about it i say go for it, it shouldnt even hurt because butts are fat theres not much bone. DO IT!

  6. You have got to be kidding me...  Yes you will so regret this one.

  7. Most people I know that get "funny" tattoos when they are young regret it when they are older.  It's more painful and expensive to get a tattoo removed, then to get one in the first place.  If you really want to "try" the whole "funny" tattoo thing, find someone that will airbrush a tattoo in that region of your body- they can last for several days, or get henna done, which can last for months.

  8. So which kind of loser are you, out of curiosity...the kind where everyone makes fun of you or the kind where no one even knows you exist? It's obviously one or the other.

  9. Yeah, just think, when you get older and fatter that's gonna stretch and look NASTY.

    Plus when you're an old person, you are gonna HATE it.

    You should not do it.

  10. I heard about people that do that. I haven't seen anybody do it though. oh you should get one of bart simpson bending over on your bellybutton so u can see his #sshole

  11. These you do not take off when you grow up.  So you meet a girl who is smart, educated and has a great job.  You want to empress her and eventually the two of you get married.  So to see what a mature man you are you do a hand stand that spells out wow on your butt.

    Or stepping out of the shower your children see you have mom written on your butt cheeks?  Remember these don't come off.

    Then your beautiful daughter says, "daddy I want a tattoo"

  12. DO IT ******

  13. I hope so  

  14. well if its on your *** why would you regret it?? you wont ever see it so really theres no regret about it... DO IT!!!!

  15. Yeah.

    You will.

  16. yes. i think you will...espcially when you grow older, would you really want that? just an opinion, but i dont think ou shold do that.

  17. Yes

  18. LOLX...

  19. Do it for mother's day and show you're mom :)

  20. No! I think it's a great idea! Afterward you could show your mom. And when she says "wow" you could say "oh look! I can spell that too!" She will be so proud.

  21. your stupid.

    you know if you get in a car accident and you are rushed tot he hospital, the people at the hospital will treat you as a person with AIDs because there is a change that the needle that the "tattooer" used on you, might have been used on an AIDs person.

    Keep that in mind.

  22. you needn't as there is no use of it.  you know what can be cured must be endured.  so  just chill  

  23. Yeah...Most likely you will regret it.

    It's kind of a dumb idea if you ask me.

  24. If this is a serious question, then yes, you could live to regret it.  I suspect it is just to try to get attention...sad.

  25. yes you might regret it

  26. Are you doing this for serious reasons, or for mere amusement?

    If it's the latter, you'll probably regret it later in life and have to pay for expensive laser surgery to get the thing off :P

  27. if you are serious about this question then yes you will completly regret it. Especially the eyelashes. it will hurt when you have to p**p for a while and then when you are older you will regret it even  more looking at how stupid it was at the time

  28. and if you do a cartwheel it will saw WOW MOM WOW MOM... amazing

  29. thats idiotic

  30. DUH???

  31. go for it. also you can put someone bending over on your stomach so your belly button looks like a butt hole.  

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