
Do You Think it was a Mistake to have the Olympics in China?

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Do You Think it was a Mistake to have the Olympics in China?




  1. No, I don't think it was a mistake.  Their was a lot of controversy surrounding it because of the political situation with the Tibetans.  However, I think that is was a very successful Olympics.

  2. No. They raised the bar for all olympics to come. They may have had a bad record, but they they put so much effort, spent so much money, tried so hard. Why would you want to take this amazing event tat they pulled off so beautifully, away from them?

  3. It was the best choice.

    They had their upside downs and stuff but they have an AMAZING CULTURE.

  4. Yeah I do.  I think China's human rights record is miserable and it contradicts everything the Olympics stands for.  I think the Olympic committee caved in and gave the Olympics to China for the money.  They saw all those billions of people and saw dollar signs.  And in return the Chinese were allowed to use the games as a propaganda tool.

  5. why? it was fab

  6. No, it has been an overall very successful Olympics Games..

    In fact, if it changes China to be a better country and if it is always this fabulous, then China should host it every time...

  7. No, they deserved it and they pulled it of pretty well and there athletes took full advantage of a home crowd.

    They have also been very patient as they've been trying since around 1996 far a bid at the games. They were just beaten by Sydney in 2000 and could have given up but they kept at it and won the 2008 games.

  8. Every country should have the opportunity  to bid for & have the olympic games.  Regardless of personal feelings the whole idea for the games is to find the best of the best in all of the world.  I think that China has opened lot's of eyes with their fantastic opening ceremony & their great showing in all the contest that they've entered.  Sure every country thinks that they have the best and the games reveal who really is.  I can't wait to see what the closing ceremony will  be like.  I had my doubts at first but now I am totally impressed. -USA

  9. No. It has taken China a long time to assert itself as a world economic power once again and it was a good chance for China to put its best foot forward and to show the world that they are not a third world country anymore. China did a wonderful job hosting the olympics. They took a lot of pride in it. = )  

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