
Do You Truly Believe Everyone Has A Purpose In Life and Are Here For A Reason?

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I don't. I truly don't have a purpose. I see no reason in being here on this earth. I have nothing and will never be anything. To tell you the truth, I'm seriously thinking of committing suicide. I don't know what to do anymore. I have absolutely no friends. I'm 19 and have never had a job. It wasn't from lack of trying, I just can't get through the interview process because of my dead personality. I'm have no people skill or skills period, for that matter. I have no talents. I can't do anything right because I'm stupid. I'm not at all close with my family. They also think I'm stupid and incompetent. A lot of the things I'm feeling have gone through have build up from when I was a child to now.

I have no one to talk to, so I keep everything to myself. No one cares and that really hurts. I don't have a reason to live. Honestly within the next year or 6 months I don't see myself here. I truly do not have purpose, and would be better off dead than alive.




  1. I think that every person has a purpose and that everyone was placed on this Earth for a reason.  It just takes a little while to find that purpose and that special talent that you have.  I understand that you are 19 years old and you still haven't found anything.  I understand that you have tried, but you shouldn't give up.  Have faith in yourself.  Believe that you are awesome.  As far as keeping everything to yourself, you might want to consider writing everything down in a notebook that is bothering you and when you are done "venting" tear the paper up and forget about all those things that were bothering you.

    And please, don't commit suicide!  You have a purpose!  I assure you.

  2. Well, break out ur purpose! I had no clue that my life lies in web designing and computers and I'm 10! DO SOMETHIN'!!!!!!!!!! Do what u had no clue u could do!!!!!

  3. Wow. You need a friend. Not a psychiatrist. I would wrap my arms around you and hold you til you felt better if I could but since I can't, do this for me please: Everyday when you wake up and you have that first glimpse in the mirror, say to yourself outloud, I love you. You will feel silly, you may not want to but will you please try? After that, please give it time, when these negative thoughts of how stupid and useless you are come pouring into your head, Stop. whatever you are doing, stop, and say NO, I am not useless, I am a beautiful breathing creation of this universe and I have an effect on this world whether I know it or not. Take a bath..and many deep slow, cleansing breaths. When you feel this way sometimes you don't take time to make yourself feel better, so do it. Do you enjoy the river? Go there, as often as you can, listen to the water, feel the breeze, take in the beauty of life around you. You are part of that beauty.  You are not useless. Your local department or social services or government state aid building may have a career training program for free, they will teach you how to interview, they will help with your own confidence. Make some phone calls ok? You are ok. You are loved. Please don't leave before your time. You are ok.

    Love, Kyla

  4. you need a psychiatrist.


    and maybe a job counselor.

  5. Life itself is already a purpose ... i am pretty sure of that.

    If right now u are not recieving, then try to find the reason in the big joy of giving.

    Enroll in UNICEF (preferable 4 communitary labour in Africa), hope u get a chance there .. then u could see how bless u've been, i bet u that.

    My best wishes and cheer up, u'r too young honey to be so down.

  6. your suffering from depression they have medication for such feelings

  7. Understand that skills can be developed no matter who you are, or what you do. If you commit suicide you will be giving up, just please find that median and keep trying. You will be very surprised, you seem like a decent typist that is a quality. I am also 19 years old and i think the same things sometimes, but honestly you need to just find someone (anyone) around you and talk to them. Just talk let words come out of you're mouth open the mind you have to others. You will be surprised upon what other people can teach you no matter who they are, that is how you gain people skills.

    Invest in Christianity (believe me its a great path) I am a born and raised catholic Christian and I may not attend church everyday because I sustain my faith through other ways.  

    Good luck and no matter what may happen never give up on life because something better always comes if not now then soon.

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