
Do You Want Obama or McCain for President?

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I know Times are Hard and Tough, Without Being Biased Do you want Obama to Be President someone that can Help America, Economy, Education, Health Care for all, and for Renewable Energy or Do want McCain Four More Years or the Last Eight Years Under George W. Bush, I Believe its a Fair Argument.




  1. neither. why even have a president? haha just kidding. but the world is going to h**l anyways. does it really matter who runs our country at the moment?

    i'm kidding....but i still wouldn't vote for either...

    & who would you choose?

  2. NONE !

  3. I want better choices.

  4. obama all the way

  5. Ron Paul - even if I have to write him in

  6. Obama

  7. Obama. McCain scares the h**l out of me.

  8. Obama!!

    Obama picks an old white guy for running mate, and was the product of teen pregnancy....

    McCain picks Young white lady as runnin mate and she has a teenage daughter that is pregnant...


  9. OBAMA fo sho x]

  10. Michael Jaskson  

  11. Do you really think anything will change regardless of who is elected president?  

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