
Do You agree the price of gas is a dollar a gallon to high now?

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Then why is our Democratic? Congress considering adding another 40 cents per gallon to the fuel tax?




  1. The price of gas doesn't bother me.

    The price of diesel sure does though.

  2. From my standpoint:  heck yes gas is priced too high.  Oil companies are getting rich and its costing me a fortune.  But it makes sense for the government to add this tax.  We are already in over 6 trillion in debt and gasoline is a very inelastic product.  My concern with the increase in revenue generated from this tax is how will the government spend the money.  Will they pump it back into our roads and cleaning up the environment (a good use of this type of tax) or will they send more equipment and troops to Iraq?

    Maybe this tax will also increase the push for alternative fuels.  I don't think the gas companies and OPEC will like this tax for that reason, but isn't alternative fuel sources a good thing?

    Although Gas is already priced high, I think there are plenty of reasons to add this tax.

  3. It could be worse we could be paying 2.25 per Liter of gas

    which for you who don't know is 10.00 per gallon

  4. Wow!

    It's stupid to see how people say things like...

    "they need money"

    "that's just how it is"

    "they need to pay for roads"

    "we all need to pay taxes"

    "we have to pay for services"

    and eat whatever the democrats give them, but B!@#$ about how big oil is BSing us and taking our money!

    I have news for you...Nancy Pelosi is s******g you too!!!

  5. We're running out of oil so we need other energy sources This makes oil more expensive.  In the EURO-countries we are fortunate that oil is payed in US-dollars  so price-increases are a little less than in the USA.  Most important reason for price increases is that every country needs money to cover expenses

    Several peace-keeping actions cost a lot for you people and bills have to be payed. Increasing fuel prices might be the easy-est thing to do.

  6. They are just doing what they have to do. We need the cash. How else do you expect to pay for this relief package? Plus, it will help us get even more dedicated to getting off of oil. The less we use the more prices go down, and in the process the more revenue we have to blow.

  7. Gasoline is so high in the US because we have wasted it.  We are the only country in which relatively people can get around reliably by any means other than by automobile.  It is also high because the oil companies have managed an oligopoly that allows them to dictate oil policy (consume more) and, to a great extent, price.

    Had we been wise stewards of the resource called oil, we would still have plenty for our country within our borders.  Now we face a crisis of availability of oil to every country that wants or needs it.  

    Consider the damage that internal combustion causes to the air we breathe and to the protective layer of ozone our survival requires.  Consider the urban sprawl that would have been impossible had we stuck primarily with mass transit.  Does it make sense that 70% of the land area of Los Angeles is used to move or store automobiles and trucks?

    Taxes on gasoline are much too low.  We need the revenue to begin a process of reducing drastically the number of cars and trucks on the road.  We need it for better things: to build a pedestrian-friendly infrastructure in which people walk to cafés, boutiques, parks, restaurants, community theaters, shops, etc.--one in which people run into each other so often that they actually talk to each other.

  8. Need the money to maintain the roads.

    Honestly, it's not unreasonable to pay taxes on the items that you need. The taxes that pay for road maintenance haven't gone up since the early 90's.

    It's probably due for a tax hike.

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