
Do You believe in God, and if so, in what form?

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do you believe in Jesus, Brahman, Allah, Waheguru or Jehova?




  1. if you believe in Jesus then you believe in YHVH

  2. Jesus....there is no other form.

  3. I believe in God the father, the son, and the holy spirit. Three separate entities in one. It's too complicated for us humans to understand this relationship. As Christians, we accept this because God says so in the Bible. But I believe in the one true God. This is not a polytheistic idea (father, son, spirit) because they are one.

  4. The Father, Son and Holy Ghost

  5. No, I believe in pink elephants on parade

    Hooray, hooray!

  6. I do believe in God.

    I believe in him through the teachings of Baha'u'llah, and ultimately, the Baha'i Religion.  

  7. I believe in the Earth as our Mother

  8. Yes I believe in God.  And He has many names, one of which is Yahweh.  He appeared in flesh on earth as Yeshua.  However, Allah, Brahman, etc., are not Almighty God.


  9. jesus because he's been proven to have existed, however i dont know if i believe in all this miricle stuff he's meant to have done it doesn't seem real. and god? i dont want to say yes because i have no proof and i dont often believe things til i have some sort of evidence. i guess im agnostic.

  10. No

  11. I believe God is love energy in the form of consciousness, not in the form of a person.

  12. Sometimes, I wish Yahoo! Answers installs a font toolbox in here.

    I would put 'no' with caps lock, red, size 30, and bold.

  13. Yes, in the from of a cosmic unity or oneness. A pure non-dualistic energy in which all matter evolved from

  14. Yes I believe in God And I believe in Jesus! =)

  15. i'm a christian (not hardcore, but raised as).  i like to keep an open mind about this issue.  i believe that there is a high power someplace, but i dunno if it is actually God

  16. Yes, but there are many other forms besides those. I believe in pandeism.

  17. Yes, not really sure on the form though. I'm more a Christian leaning more and more towards Baha'i or Deism.  

  18. Brahman who was reveled to us by the lord krishna.  

  19. No, no, no, no, no, and no.

  20. I believe that God is love; no more, no less.  No need for prophets or holy writings.  The primary truth is, "Love one another."

    "Be excellent to each other!" works just as well.

  21. Yes..Jesus Christ, son of God

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