
Do You belive in GLOBAL WARMING? WHY?

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Do You belive in GLOBAL WARMING? WHY?




  1. No, I'm an atheist, I don't follow any religion.

  2. Yes and no. Yes there is global warming to a degree, and no humans are not the cause.

    There's not enough evidence to be certain or even close to certain humans are causing this 'warming' period. And it's highly unlikely that humans have a large enough influence to change the climate anyway. There are many much much more powerful forces of nature at work here; the sun for example.

    And it makes no difference anyway: In dinosaur times, it was much warmer and life seemed to get along just fine.

    And worst comes to worst, all humans die. Big deal. Nature will go on without us.

  3. yes, theres so much proof it's happening. and the earth is getting warmer each year.

  4. Yes, I do because how do you actually think we get smoggy days in Cali???  BECAUSE OF AIR POLLOUTION!   People dumping garbage into oceans!  That is bad stuff people bad stuff!  I'm going to die in the barren wasteland!

  5. because I believe in science and observation , and a better term would be climate change which will lead to global climate chaos

  6. Yes, I dont understand people who dont see how the Earth is changing so much before our eyes. Temperatures are going crazy, ice caps are melting...animals are dying. I wish people can see this, and help out b4 it is too late to not do anything. And like the person said b4, the temp is rising, every year, the temperature goes up at least by one

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