
Do You have any Visions, Ideas, Predictions about The American Peoples Near future ??

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We/Our Lives here in The U.S. The Possibilities, Probablties ? The Obvious ? or the Looks like We are Heading Toward ?? Say between Today up Til Halloween (Oct. 31st 2008) Any Thoughts, Predictions ??




  1. I predict some very sad, sad times.  Our falling dollar (which fraudulently created by the private Federal Reserve) has lost almost 100% of it's value by design which is why our gas and food prices are through the roofs.

    This already has caused more and more theft because people are just trying to survive.  That and with the banks going under, peoples' homes are being foreclosed.  Putting thousands of people out on the street.

    Our criminal govt. is playing us for a fool when they say Iran has nukes (which is a huge lie), and trying to get us rallied behind a preemptive strike against them.

    I almost hate to say it, but before Halloween, I wouldn't be surprised if they pull off another staged event to get us rallied behind them wanting to start WW3.  In turn, a full on martial law police state for us, and millions rounded up to head to the FEMA camps.

  2. I think sometime in the near future, maybe not before halloween, but before the end of the year, we will atack Iran.  Once that happens, we will be attacked by Russia and China.  90% of the population will die in the first two or three weeks.  The rest will suffer trying to rebuild what they can and lead whatever kind of life they can dig out of the rubble.

    Doom and Gloom, you say?  Sorry, I live in reality.  This is a possible scenario.  Especially considering the new sanctions the US is wanting to put on Iran.  Russia and China have already made their feelings known.  We are about to be slapped down.  In a real big way.

  3. The President of Iran and Bush are all in the same club.  Iran is on the verge of collapse and could not sustain a war against us.  China does not have the technology, we could blast them.  Russia is broke and can't do squat right now.  

    South America, Brazil to be exact, is going to become a world power and control the oil but not til 2010 or 2011.

    Since OUR govt attacked ourselves to have an excuse to attack Iraq we will not have to worry about terrorists once Bush is gone, although the terrorists are mainly CIA so it COULD happen again but Bush was the only one that could be manipulated by the Overlords.

    Right now Ascension is the big thing that is happening globally.  Those who aren't aware of it or ready for it will not know why their emotions are getting all messed up and will not know why they hear so much "emotional noise" in crowded malls and shopping areas such as Wal-Mart.  For a great synopsis of what is coming and what is here check this website for all the details:



  4. America rules forever.

  5. Let's see.... I predict that the GOP's Ministry of Propaganda, the right wing radio 'shows' and disinformation mill called 'Fox News' will ramp up a full court press against Barack Obama.  The things we'll hear about this guy will curl our toes and terrorize our every waking moment.  We'll also hear, as if we could ever forget, that John McCain deserves to the President of the United States because he was 'shot down'!  The price of a gallon of gas may dip slightly, but I wouldn't count on that end I'm buying a Yamaha 125 motor scooter for local transportation.  Too bad these little critters aren't made in America, but the trans national corporations, with the the conivence of 'our' government have decreed that the American wage-earner is just another sheep to be sheared....sort of a Rodney Dangerfield....we get no respect!  Because 'our' government under the 'leadership' of the Bush Junta has managed to borrow and spend us into the poor house a bit more of our national social and physical infrastructure will degrade...not enough for most folks to notice as we're getting more and more used to the idea that roads are potholed, the lines are longer at public offices and many more former homeowners are now looking for cheap rentals.  The textbooks at many schools will be a bit more tattered and a bit more out of date and teachers will have to endure a few more insults...what else is new?  Popular music will be a bit louder and less original, crime in the streets and crime in the suites will increase.....but we're used to that, so big whoop, eh?  A few more of our military personnel will be killed or maimed, but what the h**l....they're 'volunteers',right? Besideds, 'we're winning' in Iraq and Afghanistan....and we always will be! On the bright side, the Cubs will win the World Series.....'ya gotta' have faith!  No kiddin'!

  6. china operates on Internet protocol 6. they do out strip us in technology. my prediction (not Halloween time line) china launches a massive cyber strike that debilitates our infrastructure while oil rich countries continue with there choke hold on oil. this precipitates economic catastrophe and gives us a homogeneous monetary system for the western hemisphere. the middle class will be left to shoulder the burden while the wealthy people who got us into this mess are sipping drinks on there own private island

  7. For many reasons that I won't go into here....the Illuminati cannot win in the end.  But, the IMMEDIATE future is not looking very good for the people.  They are working feverishly to get all their ducks in a row, so that they can bring their NWO nightmare into full fruition, and they will not give up easily, their ambitions to control the world and enslave humanity....those few that they allow to live, that is. So, unless enough of us wake up, very quickly, I see a fascist police state, with an RFID chipped population, many of them living in h**l holes called death camps, waiting to be exterminated, and the rest worked like robot slaves to feed a system that will render this planet uninhabitable...if we the people do not stand up and say no to this evil agenda.  *sm*

  8. A more peaceful country with Obama and a Democratic Congress. A more equitable distribution of resources too.

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