
Do You like School Uniforms

by Guest44617  |  earlier

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i'm bored right now. I go to a school with uniforms. Tell me what you guys where, what the colors are, do you have diff uniforms for gym? I do.

Anything else, what do you feel about uniforms?




  1. i wear a white short sleve buttoned shirt with green piping and a roung colar with a green pleated skirt and green v neck woolen jumper.  for sport its a white and green shirt with green shorts.I dont like the uniform because it makes me look like a tree but i wouldnt be able to choose what to wear everyday so i like it at the same time. Its also good because you dont get judged on what you wear.

  2. Well, I have a gym uniform. I wear black shorts and a red shirt!

  3. I know me too and I jsut hate it but we can wear jeans so its pretty good! Red, White & Blue and yes we do in gym but it looks cool panthers

  4. navy blue plaid skirt, white dress shirt (polo usually) and navy blue sweater vest or v neck. knee highs (navy blue or white) and saddle shoes. for gym we just have to wear something with school colors and logo, and the skirts have to be within 5 inches of the knee. not to bad they actually look pretty adorable.

    i like not having to worry about fashions, and not having to stress about what i'm going to wear in the morning.

  5. my son is homeschooled, we no longer have to worry about those stupid uniforms.

    We even homeschool in our pjs!  

  6. my school doesn't have uniforms, blue and yellow/gold, uniforms for gym shorts t-shirt, blue, I personally like uniforms, never had 1 before though.


    Khaki Skirt

    Plaid Skirt

    Khaki Pants


    Blue Shirt

    Yellow Shirt

    White Shirt





    White logo shirt


    Black basketball shorts


    Athletic Shoes

    & omg they suck soooooooo baddddd. they make me look like im wering a guys shirt. and the skirts are like GRANDMAS!

  8. I actually like them =]


    Any solid color polo


    Any pants (no skirts only skorts), in one solid color that goes up to your knee.

  9. I really wish our public school would go with uniforms. That way I wouldn't have to worry if my clothes looked stupid; we would all look equally bad/good on any given day. (It would also save me about five changes of clothing every morning...)

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