
Do You think Capitalism is the Reason America has been Prosperous throughout the last 200 years?

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Do You think Capitalism is the Reason America has been Prosperous throughout the last 200 years?




  1. The capitalist system is completely corrupted and who is making money from the so called "war on terror"? Rich elitist families, warmongers and oil tycoons.

  2. The Capitalist system is the engine that drives our economy, along with natural reasources and energy, it is the economic reason we won WW II and the Cold War. It is why we are going to win the War On Terror and give our children a prosperous country to inherit.

  3. All the rich countries of the world have capitalist economies but the US grew more prosperous than most of them, so it is not the only reason. Abundant natural resources, a steady influx of immigrants  who were willing to work hard, and equal opportunities for people to make the most of their talents  were  major reasons we  out striped England which was the birthplace of capitalism.

  4. That's perhaps part of it but by no means the sole reason.  This country has a history of being richly endowed with natural resources and creativity.  We had vast amounts of space covering a wide range of agricultural pursuits.  Not to mention the abundance of timber and fresh water.  Gold and silver mines.  The world's largest iron deposit was in Northern Minnesota and upper peninsula michigan which just happened to be connected by waterway to our largest industrial centers.  There were enormous amounts of Coal for steam engines and Petroleum when the automobile came around.  We didn't make england's technological first mover mistakes of building canals everywhere because railroads were invented before we had to.  So lots of reasons.  Would we be as prosperous under the King of England, probably not, but who really knows.

  5. Not really. I think it's because there hasn't been a lot of wars fought on the Continent, comparative to Europe, Asia, and Africa. That's allowed a compounding of wealth and the cumulative benefits of American Imperialism to be realized visa the expropriation of lands and Pacific Islands from the Spanish American war and the seizure of Hawaii as well as the domination of Latin America and the Caribbean.

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