
Do You think- Obama campaign will put out an ad featuring Palin's endorsment of Obama's energy plan?

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  1. Since she supports drilling I doubt it!!

  2. Do you think McCain&#039;s campaign will put out an ad featuring Obama&#039;s vote for the Cheney Energy Bill?  I believe he should.  McCain voted against it---Obama voted for it.  

    BTW:  An ad featuring similiarities between Palin&#039;s energy plan and Obama&#039;s, and presenting that (plan) as a negative thing would seriously backfire --- what are you thinking?  (Especially if it turns out that Palin&#039;s tax on oil companies and subsequent rebate to Alaska&#039;s citizens happened prior to Obama&#039;s proposal to do something similiar.)

    You&#039;re not a very clear thinker, are you dear?

    BTW: The only thing Palin&#039;s plan and Obama&#039;s have in common is that of taxing oil companies and passing on a subsequent tax rebate to citizens.

    Palin, like the majority of U.S. citizens, is in favor of drilling on U.S. soil.

    Obama, unlike the majority of U.S. citizens, is not.

  3. I hope they keep that card in the sleeve until McCain&#039;s camp forces them to use it.

  4. that would be a bad thing?

  5. Yes,  its all a dirty game as the elections get closer.

  6. I never heard her say anything about carrying around  a tire gauge

    I think Gov. Palin will promote he own plan, which is DRILL ANWR..

    McCain/Palin &#039;08

  7. I wouldn&#039;t,  there&#039;s no sense in lying any more than he does already but then he&#039;s already lost this election so it really doesn&#039;t matter.  Liberals are getting desperate with all those lies and made up stories.  Palin must really have scared them.

    McCain IS YOUR new president.

  8. it is the other way around kid...Obama is copying part of the rep. plan which includes ALL the options....obama is against nuclear and drilling....NOT good for America..

  9. obama is going to jakarta again,and mccain is going to white house ,,,,,,remember my words

  10. Could be, it would certainly show how the Republicans have no ideas about energy except the falsity of drilling.  

  11. You mean the tire pressue thing?

    When you drive on snow, you want less tire pressure so the tires grip better.

  12. ya he can do

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