
Do You think Professer Graham Bell copied the invention from Elisha Gray or ....??

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Or he tripped and the liquid had been spill and then the telephone was invented...I chose the spill thing...What about you,if you know a lot about him???




  1. I know his first name was Alexander.  I also know I've no idea what "tripped and the liquid had been spill" is supposed to mean.

    Lots of inventions get developed independently by different people.  They can share common experiences and desires, and have access to much the same technology.  These details lead to coincidences of parallel developments in different places, and that doesn't have to be in any way connected with copying.  A telephone was also invented by Antonio Meucci in 1849 in Italy.  Bell was two years old at that time, so his invention came later.  That doesn't mean he must've copied Meucci.

    Supposedly, the first powered flight was achieved by the Wright Brothers in 1903.  Gustav Weißkopf (aka Gustave Whitehead) flew further two years earlier, but a committee investigating these things didn't want the plane to have been invented by somebody with a German name.  The Wrights got selected instead.  Again, I know of nothing to suggest they must've been copying.

    Many, many, oh ever so many inventions are in reality parallel developments; convergence.

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