
Do You think a Skin disorder is funny?

by  |  earlier

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If so whats so funny about it?




  1. Of course not and anyone that does is an idiot.  The only ones who could possibly think so are probably 12 or 13 year old kids.

  2. Of course they are not.

  3. why do you ask?

  4. No, I dont think a skin disorder is funny or even a source of any attention at all. I dont give it a second thought if someone has a skin disorder. They are just like me on the inside.

  5. Yeah. The scaliness, the eruptions...

    (WTF kind of question is this?)

  6. I don't think they're funny.  I think they are unfortunate.

  7. The only situation I can think of for your question is maybe pimples? It's not really a skin disorder, well I suppose it can be, and it's not really funny, so I don't think it's what you're talking about. But I'll give my answer anyway:  If I get a pimple right next to my nostril, people think I've a piece of booger hanging there, but I don't.

    Other than that, nothing funny...

  8. there funny cause there different.

  9. Dermatology is a gas.  I can't stop laughing when I see somebody with an eruption or skin cancer.  I saw someone with psoriasis.  ROFL!

  10. No, it's not funny, and the human race has a great propensity for stupidity and cruelty.  Don't let the bad ones get to you, because there are lots of wonderful people in the world.

  11. Nope, I've had ezcema ever since I was a baby, and its not half as serious as some others but its still itchy and odd looking!

  12. Skin disorders are no laughing matter there are some very serious ones out there affecting millions of people everyday not just physically but socially and emotionally. Anyone who would laugh at a skin disorder would just as well be laughing at a disabled person this is very sad :-{

  13. no i don't find it funny

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