
Do Zebra finches mate only when there is a nest available for them?

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I just bought a male Fawn Zebra Finch and i know they are social birds so i want to get a few more but i'm scared that they will all be having babies left right and center. Is this something to worry about? What if i fill my cage with all males? will they fight? What if i throw a canary in the mix, will they get along? and one more question, all zebra finches will get along...right?





  1. Most birds are triggered to lay by abundant food, long daylight hours and a Nest.  You can control all three of these and it is GOOD you do not want to breed them.

    Do not put a canary in with them.  Canaries are not social creatures and someone could get hurt.  Keep the canary in its own cage.

  2. If you don't have nests in the cage, chances are unlikely they will breed.

    I mean - they might hump, that's for sure, but without a nest the eggs have no where to go but the floor.

    Sometimes they fight - especially if you have males and females and some of them bond.  If your cage is large enough, however, and you aren't attempting to breed and do not have nests, you should be okay at minimizing aggression.

    Canaries are fine but you should only have one in the cage.  Males can be aggressive towards one another, and with a female present, the males will stop singing (why bother, right, they already have a "mate").

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