
Do Zodiac Sign Stereotypes amuse you or annoy you? your sun/moon/rising?

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just a simple Q.

and if you want, i would love to hear some of the stereotypes you have read while on y/a.

thank ya.

cancer sun

aries rising




  1. such folks r hard headed they say/blurt out w/o thought and repent/make amends later /

    do u?/dont u?

  2. Oh god.


    Nit-picky, cold-hearted bastar*s! We don't feel emotions, and we don't hang out with people who have a speck of dirt on their shoulders. We're also oh-so pure,and wouldn't do anything *bad.* We don't have a sense of humor and friends don't really mean much to us.

    On YahooAnswers, I've read things like: They're so boring! And up-tight! And they can't keep secrets! What's up with their goody-two-shoes act! They're like old people!

    The funniest thing I've seen? That we all look ugly. As IF that person had seem ALL the possible Virgos in the world.

    *Sigh. I think it's all out now. But, I've seen a lot of other signs that have been constantly attacked as well. You know the ones about Cancers right, Shady? That they're all just push-overs who don't stand up for themselves. Oh, and what about Capricorns? They're not all boring!

    Hm.... yep...I think every sign has their qualities and negativies...

  3. Yes, you know what, the more people say rude or mean stuff here on Yahoo! answers, I find the more that I laugh it off.  Lol!  No, really, I do!  :)  Well, let me start off with aquarius since I am one.  I have seen such comments on Yahoo! like aquarians have no frickin' heart and don't care about anyone except themselves, they're albert einstein geniuses who wear crazy looking clothes and think of oddball ideas to change the world.  Like whatever!  haha!  I happen to have a beating bleeding heart that cares for people, and it's weird how people are like aquarians are cold, but then again they're hippy humanitarians!  Well, golly gee whiz, that's just great! (said sarcastically, *cough* cough*)   Now, moving on to another sign, cancer, my goodness.  Everyone thinks that they're the moodiest people alive and even the men cancers have like PMS or something!  Sheesh!  And they create ocean floods and hurricanes from you hurting their feelings as they're making you homemade chicken pot pie and babysitting your children.  Seriously, I have not met one single person like this, and if you are like this, I'm sure I'd like you better than this description of yourself, if that makes sense.  And then there's the infamous scorpio.  My goodness gracious, I'm an aquarius and no offense, but I happen to get along with most people I meet, I don't know why, I just love people, (because I'm just a cold, loner aquarius, right? lol!)  and this includes scorpios, ok?  Wow, I'm starting to really vent...aargh!  Haha!  But anyways, I've heard scorpios are like people who stare into your eyes like Dracula and drag you into bed.  Haha, totally not true!  Then, if you stop getting in bed with them, they will blow their top and plan an evil scheme against you...mwahaha!  My goodness, again, not true!  Oh, yes, and geminis, schizophrenic?  Excuse me, but I know a person who's a schizophrenic for real and he's a virgo.  Sheesh, lol!  Geminis are supposedly witty, yet deceiving people who don't have a concious...ooh, I'm scared...not!  Then, there's the poor Virgos who are attacked for being OCD!  Hello, I'm an aquarius and I have a little bit of OCD, even though it's not as serious as most.... but I'm not a virgo!  So many prejudices, so much to type!  lol!  Sorry, I'm rambling too much and venting too much, but yet I find it funny... Oh, and you aries are supposed to be adventurous, dare devil, strong, macho Arnold Schwartaneger kind of people, at least that's what I've read before.  Hello, being masculine and feminine has nothing to do with your sign, no offense.  I've made so many different kinds of friends here on Yahoo! answers with different zodiac signs, but I don't judge them or think about them, or even define them as their sign.  For me at least, the Horoscopes section has allowed me to meet friends and just take the horoscope section lighheartedly and for fun, I guess.  Anyways, moving on to taurus.  They like the libras, people seem to say, like the finer things in life.  Like, so do I!  I don't like food from the garbage to eat and I don't like to wear potato sacks for clothes (although that would be kind of!  Hmm.. it might be fun.)  Anyways, yeah, and that tauruses stuff their fat faces full of champagne and caviar all day, totally not true!  Libras...hmm.. can't make up my  Come on, sometimes I can't make up my mind either, give these people a break.  lol!  :)  Capricorns...trying to be the next Bill Gates and will stomp on your face to achieve all the goals in the world!  No way, I have a capricorn friend totally not like this.  Pisces, always in their dream world, daydreaming, so sensitive, like cancer supposedly, motherly, like cancer, notice how some descriptions are used more than in just one sign?  Guess they ran out of prejudices, huh?  :)  I daydream as well when I'm bored of positive thoughts, but anyways, yeah.  Oh, yes, and the saggitariuses I haven't heard as much stereotypes from them, so I can't really say, although one thing I've read about them more than once is that they have no direction in life and can't make up their minds either, like a Libra?  See, see, these stereotypes pertain to more than one sign a lot of the times.  Ooogh!  Last but not least, the Leos will always be the winner of the beauty pageant or the guy on that Abercrombie bag you carry!  lol!  No way!  It doesn't matter what sign, some people like attention and they're not Leos, and hey, there's nothing wrong with that!  :)  They're also really loyal, like Tauruses, again, more than one stereotype used for two different signs, but hey, so am I.  I guess, I've found out then that is some truth to the stereotypes:  we all share common feelings, traits, and thought!  Hey, what do you know, we're not totally different people that can't get along with each other if we just try, you know?  Sure, that person next to you might not be someone you could ever see yourself getting along with, but hey, we ca

  4. When I tell people I am a Gemini they just look at me, and go... Oh! I am not sure how to take that but it does get annoying. I have heard that Gemini's are two-faced and crazy people. Gemini's do have two sides. I do agree with that. I do have a good (angel) side, but if you p**s me off the bad (evil) side comes out.  

    My Rising Sign is Gemini, others expect me to be the smart-talking jokester of the bunch, the one to come up with all the bright, slightly mischievous ideas (which I do).  That's just the Gemini aura I give off. Even if I feel perfectly patient waiting in that long line, I seem restless to those around me. I always have to watch what I say -- there could be rumors of me being a gossip hound -- even if my comments are uttered with only the best intentions. More than anything, I come across as witty, and people are prepared to be impressed by almost anything I maysay!

  5. Libras are big flirts

    Cancers are emotional

    Geminis are two faced

    Aries hate being anything less than the best

    If you marry a capricorn you have to let them be right almost always

    Virgos are clean freaks

    Scorpios are mysterious

    They intrigue me:]

  6. amuse - sometimes to a degree...

    annoy - sometimes depending on the extent of things...

    Sun - Sag

    Rising - Cap

  7. Ugh.....I don't even have the energy to think of them all. I see new ones everyday!

    Libras are shallow, naive, ditzy, and all they care about is fashion, love, and peace. They can't make any decisions for themselves, oh gosh no, the mere thought of it sends them into a mental breakdown! They can't handle life alone, and will bend over backwards for any Joe that will give them the attention they need. When they're not singing to the birds about love and joy, they can be found staring in the mirror applying their makeup. That's just the women....Don't even get me started with Libra men! They have no loyalty..They just wine, dine, make false promises, and move on to the next best thing.

    Scorpios are pure evil with immense powers of darkness. Beware if you have Scorpio friends! You better treat them well or they will tear you apart from the inside out. They love to see others suffer and expect s*x all day and night.

    Cancers are whiny little babies that cry all day. You can send a Cancerian into a fit of tears just by looking at them....The only thing they're good for is cooking for their children.

    Taurus are fat, lazy, slobs who eat all day.

    Virgos are annoying, nit-picking prudes...

    Capricorns are Scrooges that work all day and don't know how to have fun...

    Aries will smash your face in if you even think about getting in their way...

    Geminis are two faced, backstabbing liars, who are incapable of loyalty. They are psychos with multiple personalities, and get off on s******g people over.

    Sagittarius are cheaters that will sleep with anybody that moves..They can't stay still or be depended on. They just roam around without direction...

    Aquarius are cold, unemotional hippies with the inability to love...They sit around smoking all day and coming up with crazy schemes to change the world...

    Pisces are weak, followers, who live with their heads in the clouds..They are easily manipulated and have no backbone...

    Leos are arrogant fools who think they own the world...They only care about having fun, and can be charmed into doing anything...When they're not being the center of attention, they're probably being demanding pigs...

    Ugh, just some of the sh*t I see on here...There's more, but I won't go into it. Just had to get that out of my system, because it was clouding my mind!

    Libra Sun, Cancer Moon, Libra Rising

  8. amuse me some times there are right some times so off its fun tho  

  9. Ok here's my *favorite* ones of all..

    We're so 2 faced, especially to our friends! Hahaha!! Oh, and we only see the bad in people. We all have bipolar disorder, and we're wimps. We can't say anything to someone straight in the face. We're extreme whores of the zodiacs who cheat. We talk way too much about things no one cares about. We would do a one night stand with our best friends spouse (idk where the h**l that came from) We cheat at EVERYTHING. We're sooo vain and selfish. We don't make good friends. We're unreliable And, of course, we are liars.

    I bet from reading all this, someone who doesnt know me just guessed my sign since thats all they hear about us. Ugh. Whatever.

    Oh and I saw one person say that Geminis were too dim-witted.. lmao

    Idc what people say, they can say what they want.. If they think Im a 2 faced, stupid, unreliable, w***e just because of my zodiac sign then fine. But they will never know the real me if they go on thinking that. They don't annoy me. They make me see that there are some dimwitted people out there

  10. they use to annoy me when i first got into astrology, i use to get furious.

    now they amuse me so much.. :)

    "not scorpio, scorpiHO"

    get it get it.. we are 'hoes' because we love s*x.. lol

    Edit: Rach i love those steroetypes! Im still laughing!! lol good ones

  11. both

    annoys me because its the narrow minded people that think the whole world is divided into 12

    amuses me because of all the saddos that passionately talk about anothers sign all the time, dissing them and saying their this and that . . . clearly obsessed with them, and then say they are not

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