
Do a lot of women like the idea of promiscuity because it puts them at an advantage?

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thank about it. when it comes to actually dating someone, men are just as picky as women. like women, men will only choose women who are either close to them on the attractiveness scale or women who happen to appeal to them in some other way. when it comes to no strings attatched s*x, women are just as picky(maybe even more on looks) but men are 20 times less picky than they are for relationships. men will do women they do not find THAT attractive, but women will still only do super hot guys. not to mention, women have a much narrower definition of what's attractive.

so basically, if people only sleep with people they are in a relationship with, women have it just as tough as men, whereas if people sleep with anyone who catches their eye, plain unattractive women don't have to settle for plain unattractive men. that is precisely why i am not a fan of promiscuity. is that why a lot of women really support more sexual openness?




  1. I don't agree with anything in the original post, no.  There are various reasons I've observed both men and women to be promiscuous, but they don't include this particual theory, which frankly strikes me as silly.

  2. No, I don't think that's it. We support sexual openness so that we don't have to answer for the choices we make sexually.

  3. Yes.

  4. Sexual promiscuity is an instinct of male animals that exists for propagation of a species. The Male can mate many times in a year, but the female is only useful (for propagation) for about two weeks a month and not at all if pregnant for nine months. Male Humans have an inner drive (instinct) to seek and impregnate as many partners as possible. Female Humans have an inner drive (instinct) to seek the best provider, strongest protector, and best gene source. The modern version of dating and love has corrupted the natural selection process. Commerce and its associated advertising has replaced natural selection with impossible ideals of mates that in most cases cannot be realized. You love who you love. Not who the corporate world designed. Sexual promiscuity is manipulated by the Media who rely on advertising to make money. Bottom line. Net growth. Net income.

    Just be yourself. If you are attracted to someone, go to them. It is not a crime to be indulgent.

  5. i have slept with people and now i am married i only sleep with my husband. i did it cause i wanted to for exactly the same reasons as guys do.

  6. omg

  7. Promiscuity usually refers to women and not men...Men are basically referred to as studs (by their peers) if they "score"

    Gentlemen should not even have a label.  They are sincere with their attractions...not superficial.

    Nor should labeled...each has sexual desires and neither should be labeled.

  8. Sounds to me like you have been involved with a very thin slice of the female population. I most definitely don't agree with you on any of these points. Except that promiscuity is fed through the mass media in our culture and our culture has become so highly sexualized that alot of women think that is the way men want them to behave and that is how to get a relationship going. However, there are alot of women out there who do not think like this at all and do not support more sexual openness. Many of us are looking for the heart - so I think you need to expand your horizons and meet new people in different venues.

  9. i dont agree....when dating I had hundreds of men after me and most of them werent going to ever meet is that picky when they didnt even know me? duh... most women want a real relationship with dinners and conversations... women like tall men who know how to make love if they are Pisces

    most women wont reveal that stuff right here dear

  10. you are one of those guys who calls a woman a "s**t" only after she turns him down.

    grow up.

  11. Looks accounts for very little of what women find attractive. Women work mostly on emotion, both your's and there's.

    Women find confidence attractive!, women you can be an average guy and sleep with 10x more women then a hot guy who is shy around women.

    But in the real world most of the time is doesnt happen that way, hot guys know they are hot so they are confident which turns women on, average guys have doubts and are usually shy which isn't gonna help you. Confident average guys can sleep with just as much women as Hot confident guys.

    Its not really promiscuity its more like opportunity how many guys they find attractive, thats not to say that they wont use s*x as a tool to control there guy or any guy for that matter.

  12. It sounds like you are not a fan of promiscuity because you don't get to participate.  Well, I'm sorry but that's just the way it is.  Women CANNOT change who they are/aren't attracted to, and just because a lot of guys get left out, doesn't mean the rest of the world shouldn't be to have promiscuous s*x.


    Then berate men for not being picky instead of berating women for being picky.  As I said, we can't change who we are attracted to.  We aren't obligated to sleep with men that we don't want to sleep with for the sake of political correctness.

  13. I am 21 and I am still a virgin. I make it very clear to boys that I date that I do not believe in s*x before marriage. Then I tell them that if they have a problem with that, we can break up before we get any further. And no I don't like the idea of promiscuity, that's a code word for w***e.

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