
Do able bodied people take the non able bodied olympics seriously?

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Do able bodied people take the non able bodied olympics seriously?




  1. I'm able-bodied and I take it as seriously as I take the standard Olympics. Physical competition is noble and worthwhile, says I.

  2. I do.  I take it more seriously than the so called able-bodied olympics.  These are people fighting against all the odds to be the best they can...these are the real achievers.

  3. No if we did those in charge of these things would roll out the mentally ill next

  4. If you have ever worked with a challenged individual then you relish in the glory for them as it is more difficult for them to achieve mundane and things we take for granted.

  5. I don't take any form of Olympics seriously.

  6. Nope.  Prolly cuz they don't see the sport or challenge in it.  Who says wheelchair basketball isn't a challenge?!

  7. I definetly do...most of the athletes are better than me... ( i swim). there is no diff between s except they have something missing...We're no better than them!

  8. i take it seriously.

  9. I take it seriously, and I actually enjoy the para-olympics more then I enjoy the normal olypmics.

  10. I do. Simply because as a so called able bodied person I realise just how much more effort, will, determination and personal challenges those athetes will have had to endure to reach competitive standards in their respective sports.

    Able bodied atheletes are high achievers, their disabled counterparts are super achievers.

  11. Do you think there's "special parking" for the able bodied at the special olympics?

  12. on paper

    other then that i dont think anyone really gives a ****

  13. i would say probably not not unless theyve got a relative or close friend like that...

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