
Do aby turtles shed?

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do baby turtles shed?




  1. I think they might cuz ones that we cautch some pieces of the shell shed a little bit.. (wait is that suppposed to happen) =s

  2. They do... much more than adults because they are changing size faster!  Both the skin and the scutes (shell scales) sheds off.  You won't see the skin much as it breaks down and gets caught up in your filter or eaten.  But you will see scutes as you clean the tank.  Before a lot of shedding your shell baby will look a little dull... and the shell will look white from air bubbles under the loose scutes.  HOWEVER, if the white is different and soft it could be shell rot... so don't be confused.

  3. Yes they do, when they start to grow bigger they will shed their older smaller shell pieces called scutes so that they will have room for the bigger shell.

  4. They are reptiles- so yes. As long as the shed skin is thin and translucent, and you don't see anything unusual on the skin, and the shedding is not excessive, don't worry. If the shedding is continuous, or the skin looks sore or red, or the shedding is very heavy, you may have to deal with a skin fungus.

  5. No since there shell is a part of there body it grows with them so no shedding for turtles.
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