
Do actions really speak louder than words?

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And what if a person tell you they don't love you but their actions show that they do?

Than what do we do, listen to their harmful words? Or look at the thoughtful actions?

Maya Angleou once quoted saying that if a person says something about themeselves- believe them.

So if a person tells you they don't really care about you, but proceed to do good things for you, how would we really know that they care if actions speaks louder than words? or should we just go by what they say and not what they do?




  1. Actions really do speak louder than words my dear friend!!

    See sometimes people get mad at you, but in truth they really do care about you!!

    My parents in anger sometimes say "I hate you",but in reality they love me and love them. If i ask my best friend "Do you even care about me", he gives me all that tough look like he does not care , but in real he does, he is the first one to help me out always.

    Sometimes people brag about them selves, but in reality they don't stand a chance against real problems.

    Haven't you heard some one say "Let your work speak for your self".

    I let my actions speak , not my words.

    Chao ^_^;


  2. if a person says they dont really care about you i would believe them - there are people i dont care about but i am still "nice" to them - i dont go up to them and say  hey i really like you but i am not mean to them either - i will even do nice things for them if it isnt too hard to do or takes a lot of time  actions in some cases are just done to impress a person or persons  because its the thing to do  sometimes being nice takes less energy then being mean

  3. we are defined by our actions not our word. People say things they don't mean. Or they say one thing and do another. I always go with the actions. People can lie to your face, but at the end of the day we are who we are by what we do not what we say.

    If a person says they do all they can to help others but never actually do anything what good does it do?

    In reverse a person could say that they don't participate in charity but still donate time/money to organizations. Who knows why people say what they say? Its what they do that matters

  4. With few exceptions.  

    Consider some of the tommyrot emanating from the mouths of presidential hopefuls...verifying the over-all truth of the adage.

  5. Keep it simple. Look at what they say and do and go from there.

    There can be reasons why people say they are one way and act another- many reasons, but words are an action as well. When you say something hurtful that hurts just as being abandoned at a party would. If someone did me a favor but told me he/she didn't really like me I would not want that person to do me anymore favors.

    Look at the whole package is what I'm saying, not just parts. If the person is hurting you one way but pleasing you in another then you have to balance that out in your own way.

    Besides, the correct saying is: "Actors speak louder than words" (a poltical joke)

  6. hmmm...tis really made me think. I guess it will depdn on the person. Some people (like myself) have trouble putting words together to explain what we feel...but our actions (wether noticable to most or not) really do speak louder than our word.

    I think the issue is people just don't NOTICE actions as much as they NOTICE the words we say. Very interesting.

  7. I think important extremely kind things you do (or terrible things) speak louder than words. But majority of the time, words can get across a pretty powerful message much easier than actions and gestures.

  8. our actions are a demonstration of our will or desire. but even our actions can be an illusion.

  9. It's always best to give some appreciation through that person's actions. Maybe that person is not that articulate and is very complex deep within.

    Actions do speak louder than words:

    Those actions may be an expression through the internal feelings inside. Sometimes words don't mean anything if you can't back it up with action towards it.

    Actions can be another form of communication, it's quite common in some people who are introverted and they feel that words just can't explain their feelings. Their internal dialogue is very complex and it is hard to expressed externally.

    So I assume if this person who really cares about you and continues to do good things for you, then you should just become more appreciative.

    If you're a person who can articulate feelings through words, then you should use your speech to encourage the person and show that you love that person. (This makes him/her open up more with some comfort of intimacy)

  10. wow that is soo confusing!!!!!!

    maybe they do care about you....?

    they say something. but their actions can show otherwise?

  11. I think it kinda depends on the person. I think with some people they say stuff they don't mean, but then other people lie and still let the truth show with their actions. If a person says that they don't care about you, but they still act like they do, they most likely do. If you really don't care about someone you ignore them. So, it really depends on the person. You have to take into consideration actions and words, not just one or the other. :)

  12. In case of conflict between words and actions,  just stay detached.  

    If the actions are more favourable than the words,  be thankful/grateful,  but don't read too much.  It could be out of pity,  compassion or just the goodness of heart...

  13. I think they do, because I had to overdose on drugs before my parents knew that my depression was serious.

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