
Do actuarial tables predict McCain will die in 4 years or less?

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Do actuarial tables predict McCain will die in 4 years or less?




  1. Yeah which is why he is going for president now.....the old f**t needs to die now though lolz

  2. Depends on his Condition an how Strong he is as a person

  3. only god knows when he's going to die.

  4. Okay, please haters leave your hate messages at home.  We don't want to hear it.  

    And by the way, no.  I know he will pick an excellent VP -- in which, I would also be proud to vote for.

    McCain 2008

  5. As a former actuary's clerk, I never remember that we predicted the death of anyone at any time.  

  6. I don't know but his family members seem to live long clear headed lives.

  7. No.

  8. He should live 17 more years.

  9. Lol. He is already brain dead

  10. Obama is in a high risk group (African American males run a high risk of heart disease in his age group)

    Biden has a history of Brian aneurysm.....

    I would think they have a chance of both expiring under you logic.

  11. I can predict lots of things.  Of course predicting something and proving it are very different.

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