
Do adoption agencies discriminate against interracial couples?

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do agecies frown apon interracial couples adopting a child? will this make it harder for my husband and i to adopt? im caucasion and he is african american.




  1. no

  2. There are probably some that do.  However, there are so many biracial children available for adoption that most agencies would be delighted to have a prospective biracial family!

  3. I do not believe there is any problem at all with mixed race marriages and adoption in the U.S.  You may find that there are some countries that are prejudiced, but I would wholly depend upon the adoption agency and their input.  Most of them have a ton of worldwide experience (be sure to choose wisely), and can tell you the best place to adopt from.  Remember, China, Korea, Vietnam, they all allow their children to be adopted by caucasian families which are a different race than the baby, why not a mixed race family as well?  

    I hope and pray you will find the baby God intends you to have - and that you are all a blessing to each other!

  4. With domestic adoption the birth mother usually chooses the family (not the agency). It can actually be an advantage to be mixed race because you will stand out from other couples, especially if the baby will be mixed race. My husband and I are different races and we were chosen relatively quickly (we waited about 4.5 months).

  5. I very much doubt this will affect your ability to adopt.  There are many couples/singles who adopt a child of a different race then them, not a big deal in today’s standards.  There are also lots of bi-racial and multi-racial children that need to be adopted.

    If you find a agency that has a problem with this don’t give up just go to another agency there is a baby out there for you and your husband.

  6. Not at all, in fact many wish more interracial and AA couples would adopt, as many expectant moms would prefer it for their biracial children.

  7. Absolutely not, by law they are not supposed to bring race in as a factor, and you as potential parents get to decide what race you prefer to adopt.  My husband and I are both Caucasian but we probably won't adopt a Caucasian baby because there are some many babies of Hispanic and African American ethnicity waiting to be adopted.  Good luck with your adoption!!

  8. nawww they will let him

  9. No they will not discriminate against you and as a matter of fact, there was a couple in my old church that was an interracial who adopted three interracial children through an adoption agency that only handles interracial adoptions. Who knew such a specialty existed. I have not looked into it as I was single when I adopted but they had three beautiful little girls.

  10. A good agency will not discriminate against you for being an interracial couple.  Are you planning on adopting domestically or internationally?  If domestic, what race(s) are you interested in adopting?  If you are interested in a biracial baby, there are some agencies that have a specific program for biracial children and I think you would have a really good chance at being chosen by a birthmom who is expecting a biracial baby.  Some agencies even have lower fees for AA or biracial babies, and the wait is usually shorter because so many people want white babies.

  11. not likely, seeing that children of all races are given up for adoption every day.

  12. Adoption agencies have a duty to the child first  to find the best possible match.  First choice of parents should be married mom and dad of the same race.  Maybe you should try to find an interracial child.  That would best for you and the child so you could teach the child about his/her heritage because it is also your own.

  13. They should not.  As long as you both are capable adults, they should give you the same opportunities as anyone else.  Good luck.

  14. Actually, that might be an asset!  Many agencies worry that all-white couples will have a hard time helping a minority adoptee learn about, and become proud of, his or her culture.  The cultural diversity of your home will be attractive to agencies and probably some birthmothers too.  

    But, EVEN IF your agency frowns on it, don't let that stop you from adopting!  If that ever happens, switch agencies.  You don't deserve the aggravation.

  15. It depends on the agency I guess...But I think that would be terrible if they did. I actually think you have a better chance of adopting quicker. The one interracial couple I knew adopted a baby very quickly because the Birthmom wanted to place her child with an African American or Interracial family. They waited only 2 months for a baby while others waited 2 years. The agency we used does not discriminate...Golden Cradle.

    Good Luck!

  16. No, especially if you do open adoption they dont have much in the say so, because it is the birth mother who is picking you. I am white and my husband is black, we have ran into some instances, but definately not because even g*y, L*****n, and single people are allowed to adopt so us interracial couples are able to as well. Best of Luck!!

  17. no, certainly not! There have been cases though where the birth parents have agreed only to adopt to families of a certain race.

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