
Do adoption counselors promote abstinence?

by Guest66938  |  earlier

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and/or contraception. Either will work for my question.

Scenario - classic teenage unwed mother-to-be is counseled to make an adoption plan rather than abortion or raising the child herself (with or without the father). Is she also counseled on contraception and/or abstinence for the future? If not, why not?




  1. Er....wouldn't that put them right out of business?

  2. I imagine it depends on the individual adoption worker.

    I know the one who worked with my daughter did. She talked to her about birth control. She also talked to her about ALL her options, not just adoption. Including parenting the child, with or without the father. Painting the picture that ALL adoption workers counsel ALL mothers to just make an adoption plan is erroneous.

    So did I. I teach all my children about abstinence and birth control. My daughter got pregnant anyway.

  3. I don't think so they want them to have more children so they can place them to.

  4. as a former person who went through it, i can assure you that the said person is told and or taught about contraception, counselors understand that you obviously have had s*x and that you might not want to remain abstinent until marriage or when ever you wish to have s*x again, and i suggest make the guy wear a condom

  5. Can't help, no counseling for me.

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