I originally posted this in the wrong forum so do forgive the repost.
I ask this question because I am genuinely curious to know the motivations behind abreastfeeding. As an advocate of bfeeding, I do understand the benefits; yet, I have often found that many adoptive breastfeeding blogs and books actually prefer the the bmom NOT breastfeed the baby out of concern that the attachment will cause the bmom to change her mind. I find this concerning, since only the bmom can provide colostrum; and this whole adoption thing is to provide the "best" for the baby. So, is the desire to give the baby the best milk possible (including colstrum) or to just let the baby nurse with the amom? Let the games begin...
And let's play nice :-)
There were some good answers on the orginal board, so check them out!!
31 minutes ago - 3 days left to answer.