
Do advocates for illegals believe all persons around the world who need to feed family better can come here?

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Would this be ok with advocates for illegals to allow those any place in entire world- those that cannot feed their family, wherever they are in the world , would they all be allowed to come to America for a better life ? They could all be undocumented since that works so well and is widely accepted ,so would they extend this offer to the entire world and if not WHY ?




  1. First, amazing yo haven't been called a "racist".   I know they only come here and do jobs no one else will do and pay a ton of taxes and are the reason the country is so great and blah, blah, blah.

    On the other hand if you overload a boat and make it top heavy it will turn over and sink.  Sad as if may seem we fund most countries and if we don't tell them how to use the money we don't need to give it to them and bring them here.  

  2. I share my beans with you my kettle is not so big to invite the rest I love my bean soup we add more water to the pot we'll make it stretch.

    beans beans I love beans and ham soup with warm fresh bread maybe corn bread I am soooooooo hungry tonight for the bean soup

    does the world like bean soup? it's cheap and good for you eat beans save gas global warming is here. bottle water beans soup saves the world

  3. Yes. They do not seem to realize that if that happened the population of the US would triple! I guess pro-illegal immigration and foresight don't go hand and hand!

  4. Not exactly, but that idea is an excellent thought to obtain the votes of the illegal aliens and Mexican Americans who don't understand.  Like all groups.. some of them don't and they support the idea in a very benevolent way.  Most, however, are looking at their paychecks, and saying holy cow.. we give enough to taxes.  

  5. The businesses supposedly want to do that, but not the over 11 million that have come in illegally in 05* and 06*.  Yo are correct that voer a third of the nine million visas we issue each year are ignored when they expire and then over 3 million hide out, add that up with the ones over the borders and the legal ones and you got about 1/6 of the entire population or more heading into the country in Clinton and Bush's terms.

    doesn't matter as the west has already run out of water, guess they can drink beer or something else, but in the final analysis the people you talk about are a minority and the squeaky wheel gets the oil,  Take care.  

  6. I have the feeling that those people have many different opinions.

    Putting all of them in a single group like a bag of rice makes no sense

  7. I've never heard anyone advocate this.  Melodrama doesn't help your case.  There are PLENTY of legitimate arguments (and laws) against allowing illegal aliens to come here and remain.

  8. Yes, and it seems they also believe Americans should give up "their" better life willingly, for them!  If they could, they would come in, kick us out and take over.  Of course the, it would only be a matter of time before they destroyed everything that made/makes our life better.... oh wait, I think that is starting to occur.  I am starting to hear from the media, we are now a 2nd world country.  

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