
Do affirmatie action programs serve to fulfil civil rights objectives?

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Do affirmatie action programs serve to fulfil civil rights objectives?




  1. No.

  2. No, just the opposite.

    The objectives of the civil rights movement were to give everyone equal status regardless of color. Affirmative action gives preferencial treatment making things unequal.

  3. How does this sound: "People all over America are receiving preferential treatment based solely on the color of their skin"?

    That sounds bad huh? Thats what "affirmative action" is. Its not "reverse racism" thats like "reverse killing" there is no such thing. Affirmative action is racism. Period.

  4. its legal discrimination. People should be hired solely on the qualifacations they have.

  5. All it does it force employer's to hire people who are not qualified for the job  for fear of law suits from people like Al Sharpton and other people like him.

  6. No not at all!

  7. My experience is that affirmative action programs have dumbed down the work force in many cases.

    I have witnessed in the past job vacancies sit open for months while HR tries in vain to find a minority candidate that is qualified. Finally they settle on someone sub-par that other workers have to carry.

  8. No. They;re just feel good measures that help only a small number and create racial strife.

    Only real reforms at the base level of public education can help those that suffer from historical discrimination. Promoting a few just to fulfill a quota doesn't address the problem.

  9. Affirmitive action is racist.

  10. Not really.  They serve as a legitimate legal excuse for a company to hire less qualified non-white and non-male employees and not face lawsuits, or for non-whites and non-males to attend schools.

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