
Do air france hire foreign pilots who dont speak french? and can be based in the USA?

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Do air france hire foreign pilots who dont speak french? and can be based in the USA?




  1. Many foreign airlines hire English speaking pilots as it is the 'International Language of Aviation.  The Chinese are having a severe language problem with their national pilots and are hiring many English speakers.

    Air France may may hire someone with extensive experience in the US, for Atlantic routes because it would be cheaper than paying living allowances for a French National.  But the French are not keen on anything non-French so I wouldn't expect them to recognize anyone who does not speak French fluently, much less hire them.  But, you'll never know until you try.

    Good Luck

  2. I believe Air France only hires French nationals.  There are a few airlines that will hire Americans from overseas, but AF isn't one of them.

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