
Do aliens exist? xplain?

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Do aliens exist? xplain?




  1. There are no aliens. No spacecraft. No strange little green things amongst us, observing us, waiting to take over. We are freaks, alone in the universe. We always have been and we always will be. Beyond us there is nothing

  2. there is no correct or incorrect answer for this question. based on things we see, technologies that enabe us to find different galaxies similiar to Ours, there is no reason not to believe that there are no aliens out there. some lifeforms may be smarter some still prehistoric, some living in the stable way since theres no changes to their "earth". i personally believe that other intelligent lifeforms exist.

  3. Although life almost certainly exists elsewhere in the universe, the immense distances between stars makes interstellar travel practically impossible. No scientist has ever been able to examine a real alien, so all descriptions are nothing but fantasy.

  4. The existence of aliens is mainly an opinion unless someone has had first hand experience.

    I have not ever seen an alien, but I believe that they do exist.  I do not see the logic in thinking that we are the only intelligent life in the whole universe.  

    As jodi foster in contact said, If we are the only ones here, then that is an awful waste of space.

    Also, the nonexistence of proof of aliens does not proof the nonexistence.

    I do think that there has been contact with our planet by beings from other planets.  But, for some reason, our government does not want the people to know these facts.  Some believe the fact of aliens would throw our world into anarchy.  Others believe that our government wants to keep the world in turmoil. They think that if we can prove there are aliens, people will stop focusing on fighting between ourselves, and we will reach out to space.  I don't think we are ready as humanity to reach into space.  We are too much of a warlike species.  We are constantly killing each other.  

    Humans are violent.

  5. frankly speaking they do exist but thier not aliens they are daemons who stay in saturn planet indian -shukra planet as once in indian history god killed a big daemons and threw shukracharya the lord of daemons out of the earth nd so theses are the aliens which stay at saturn planet

  6. We have found that scientists do belive that aliens have visited earth and they have been making strange formed shapes in crop fields. They also believe they have taking cows from their fields and killing them .We found that the area 51 has been known for a lot of strange sightings such as aliens. And as some say, they have seen alien space crafts being shot out of the sky.

    One of the hangar guards at an old military base said he felt a crashed alien saucer. He said it felt like a piece of tin foil. They say there has also been many sightings of alien space crafts near Puerto Rico.

    Unidentified flying objets spaceships or flying saucers are any unexplained flying objects assumed to be from outer space. They are only seen in a glimpse and are usually hidden from human eyes. There are many who speculate that aliens do not really exist and in reality, they must indeed exist. If one would think about it, "is it really possible that out of millions and millions of stars out there, Earth is the only planet in the solar system to be blessed with life?".

    UFO's are believed to carry aliens who come to the planet Earth in search of intelligent lifeforms for the use of study and possible manipulation. Some believe that they are extracting information from mankind so that they can one day take over the Earth and rule the planet. Others believe that they are a few surviving aliens from other worlds that were previously destroyed and are looking for a place to live.

    The definition of UFOs, flying saucers & Spaceships are any unexplained flying objects assumed to be from outer space. They are only seen in a glimpse and are usually hidden from human eyes.

  7. Most certainly, but nothing spectacular or important to us.

    Think about this:

    The universe is probably no more than 25 billion years old, and the earth has been around for about 4.5 billion years.

    Human life has existed for around 20 million years, and we've only had the technology to test for the possibility of life in the last 100 years.

    That's 100 years out of 20 billion.

    Now think about this:

    Life is easy to make. Well, what we define as life is, at least. To create a protein, all you need is some water, carbon-dioxide, methane and ammonia. The possibility of a organism which has the power to replicate itself is not too small. So there is not that small a chance that life would exist on other planets, but it will probably be some primeval soup or some basic single cell organisms. "Intelligence"is cosmic fluke. The possibilities of it are INCREDIBLY small.

    Now think about this:

    The universe is HUGE! We can't even comprehend how huge it is. It could be infinitely big, but whatever.

    Our GALAXY is huge. It is estimated to be about 12,000 light years in diameter (need to find a source)

    If an intelligent Alien race was formed, in the same time frame, and with the power of interstellar travel, it would take them way too long to get here.

    Not to say that it's totally impossible, but the chances are extremely small.

    There are studies which calculate the probability of life existing, and they say that two instances of life (not particularly intelligent life, more like just cells or worms or something) exist at any one time across the entire cluster of galaxies (or something of the sort. Can't remember exactly).

    So anyway, if "aliens" exist, they are either dead, dumb, or very far away. It's a bit silly to worry about them so much, because we are most certainly, very lonely.

    Don't get disheartened by this though, because we are possibly the coolest thing to ever happen to the universe. Imagine if you had a HUGE country which is mostly desert. This country has existed for AGES and AGES. For a split second, in a very small place (like a small village), everything cool ever happens, and the rest of this countries life is just the same desert with the same thing over and over.

    We are intelligent because we are self aware, and we know we are here, and we question the universe, and we seek knowledge. So don't worry about aliens, because they are probably not of any importance.

    I went off topic tons there, but anyway. Hope it helps you decide whether aliens exist or not (lol)

  8. I tgink that the surest sign that aliens and other intelligent life exists beyond us is that none of it has contacted us

  9. Yes, of course. Because the universe is largest and exist a lot galaxies, planets and systems in general, so I believe that be possible existence of aliens.

  10. I  would say, there is high possibility that they do exist. The universe has millions of planets, if earth has life, other planets could have too.

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