
Do aliens exist?In such a big universe, i dunno?

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. i'm not talking about green blobs. according to Darwin, if the planet on which these et's exist is as old as earth and has similar conditions, then tey might be like us...

PS- I'm talking about science here, not fantasy




  1. No, only in movies.

  2. Strict science and logic says we do not have enough evidence to say anything for certain about this. The universe is quite vast, and there are surely many planets. It seems likely that some planets would have life, but there may be facts we do not yet know that prevent life from existing anywhere else. Any statements about the matter are only speculation. Do not put your words into Darwin's mouth!

  3. I'm sure some for of life exists somewhere in the universe, it would be ignorant to suggest earth is the only planet with life because there are billions upon billions of planets

    In our solar system there are eight planets, four of which are gas giants, so in our solar system out of four planets there is advanced like on one.

    In the milky way there are est 400 billion stars thats 400,000,000,000,000 stars Thats our galaxy alone!

    Hubble telescope est there are 500 billion galaxys the  est number if planets is to big to write in full but is 2.0 × 10^29

    Smarter or dumber then us i think there is life out there.....

  4. Every time i bring up this question in my class all the students laugh at me.They assume that aliens are beings with 4 eyes,9 legs and 2 heads like some science fiction movie.I think that there is a possibility that there might be life on another planet just like there is on Earth.Whether it is plant life,animal life or other form of life.I am glad that there is someone like you who doesn't see them like green bobs.

  5. well i believe that such beings could be occupying our sky's

    there are too many reports of extraordinary "stuff" flying around up in the sky's to be all insignificant althought most stuff is explainable.

    they may be abducting people to which is a very disturbing thought lets say if these aliens were intent to integrate into our society.

    or I have also heard the theory that all the paranormal alien stuff is really humans from the future and with the technology of space travel and we've came back to warn about global destruction or nuclear proliferation along those lines

    anyways im not crazy or mayb i am who knows.

  6. We still can't say anything about that coz we dont have enough evidence to do so. Although there have been many people reporting of q***r incidents but we obviously cant rely on them. But still it might be possible that life forms exist in planets other than our earth. Universe is a really big place, so big that it is almost unimaginable so its hard to believe that life exists only on this tiny little planet in the whole universe.Only time can answer this question.

  7. there is a great possibility that the aliens are existing "somewhere" in the universe... if life existed here, why not there?

  8. According to science we don't know. We have no evidence that aliens exist on other planets or naturalistic evidence which suggests that life is impossible outside Earth.

    Of course, that means it is possible, but the chance of life is possibly lower as expected some years ago.  

  9. It would be entirely reasonable for someone to assume that life, even intelligent life, must exist somewhere.  Where people commonly depart from reason is in assuming that this means they could be here, buzzing around, squashing crops, abducting people, and playing tag with jets.  This illogical conclusion is based on a lack of understanding of just how vast interstellar distances are, along with a very improbable idea that technology can achieve anything, given enough time.  We know there are certain limitations in the universe which would apply to any being.  For example, you can't go faster than the speed of light.  This is not a belief determined by our understanding of technology.  It is a cosmological absolute.  And it would apply equally to anyone engaging in interstellar travel.

    So they may be out there.  Probably are.  And there is a very good chance that we will never discover them in the whole tenure of human existence.

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