
Do aliens have secret bases on the Earth ?

by Guest32712  |  earlier

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( no not ill eagle aliens )




  1. why not????

    my neighbour is an alien too.

    he ate battery everyday...

  2. Sorry, but this question is inherently STUPID!

    1) If they did, and it is secret, can anyone who is NOT an alien know the answer?

    2) If a non-aline tells you yay or nay, will you trust the answer?

    3) If an ALIEN (assuming you can tell for sure he;/she/it is an alien) tells you yay or nay, will you trust the alien?

    Sorry, you just painted yourself into a corner!

  3. There are those who claim to have knowledge of these different bases in various places. Some being hidden in hills and mountains, others in under water bases such as deep in the oceans and a few on the Moon(s), other planets and some asteroids. The so called black hole might just be a cloaking device of some type that's hiding a large moon base or space station. Use your imagination, I'm sure they do if they are here and out there watching us. Watch or listen to Michael Tsarion for some other clues on this subject.**i-Disc-Photos.h...

  4. Its very possible !

  5. Of course they do. About half the people you meet are aliens. They drug the rest of us with Starbucks, which renders us caffeniated yet helpless against them and their evil plan to take over the world.

    I say let them have it as long as they keep the frappacinos coming. :)

  6. yes and we are tracking your every move!

  7. ILL Eagle here! David, what have you been into? I am sure if cosmic beings played any important role in our journey here, God would have mentioned it in the Word..........Drum Roll.....

    and thumbs down for the ILL Eagle!

  8. If we knew that, they wouldn't be secret, would they?

  9. If they are here hovering around abducting rednecks and disecting cows, then I would think they would have to. Probably underwater or underground in isolated parts of the world like siberia.

  10. Yes, at the bottom of our oceans.

  11. Secret Underground Bases: Lecture by Phil Schneider

    Phil Schneider, the lecturer of this article, was executed under mysterious circumstances in January 1996.Phil Schneider was an ex-government engineer who was involved in building underground facilities.check the links ,read and

    get to your own conclusions about this,i just found the link for your benefit..

  12. They used to. We've deported them. :)

    France has created an official Website about their UFO investigations, worth getting someone who can read French, if you can't:

  13. As a matter of fact they do!  When most people think they have caught crabs, in reality they have just had their furry nether region of love invaded by little green men!

  14. Only if you wear aluminum foil beanies will be able to see the aliens and avoid the radio waves transmitted by those aliens to control your brain.

    You know those people who talk to themselves on the bus, or on the street corner?  Their brains are controlled by aliens and they are transmitting information back to the alien headquarters through a voice modulator implanted in their voiceboxes.

    As soon as you learn to make the beanie, you must turn off your computer and never get on the internet again or your beanie will loose all it's power and the aliens will take over your brain and subject you to nightly anal probes.

  15. Yes.  We all look like toads.  How did you find out about us?


  16. Well, aliens from outer space would be illegal aliens too you know.

    Sure why not.  We are odd ducks as species go.  If I were an alien, I would want a pet human to play with too.

  17. Like the movie Men In Black? Hmmm....maybe so.

  18. area 51, but our government is making sure everything is legal (not let them build space nukes)... just a theory

  19. (As far as I know, Area 51 is a tad suspicious...but I don't know for sure...Maybe. Maybe not. I wonder if maybe they even live among us....)

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