
Do aliens visit Earth to study us, just like we are studying Mars and close planets?

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I started to think about it. You know how Nasa sends and creates space vehicles to Mars to study the planet? Well I think aliens are visiting us and bringing specimens to their own planet, so they could study our planet. That's why abductions take place so they could study us, since we are a unique species.

I've seen stories of how abducties see life a flash of light and suddenly a huge amount of time has passed. I think it's part of the technology the extraterrestrials are using to try to pause time, bring you to their planet to get studied, and then bring you back to where you were, like nothing happened, in a glance.

Some people think that aliens that visit us is a sign that the end is near. They might be taking our DNA so they can make clones, cause our race is eventually gonna disappear. Maybe the aliens had the ability to time travel, and maybe during 1000 years in the future they saw that humanity was gone, so they maybe wanted to help us change the future.




  1. I don't know if we'll ever know for sure! It is definitely possible anything is.

  2. They come to earth alright, but not to study us, but only to see just how far behind we are..

  3. you know i actually think there are aliens

    like ive seen the shows and every thing

    also, i heard that the astronauts that are retired are now saying that they saw other space ships and stuff out there in space that nasa didnt mention b4

  4. I think we are there rabbits. Just as we humans use animals to fight our diseases, by injecting them with it, the aliens are using humans. We are in there lab, being studied, in order to fix there genetic and viral and bacterial diseases. Just as a bug thinks the back yard is all there is, we are just in a tank, in a lab, and the sun is the light bulb and the moon a salt wheel. (But I do think the bible and aliens have a lot in common. The angels come from the clouds, people getting took into the clouds, and such.

  5. i think so too, we are not alone in this universe no wonder there were  ufo sightings all over the world

  6. Uh... How high were you when you came up with this thought?

    If aliens really were abducting us, wouldn't you suspect some sort of residual radiation or energy left behind from whatever they were using?

    You're idea of "pausing time" is actually more of a time lapse. I'm not going to argue with you on scientific means of proving this. But if someone could do that, wouldn't they be on an alternate time frame or have to go back in time? If they could go back in time, wouldn't there already be some sort of catastrophe that would be like the old fashioned Person A goes back in time to kill his grandpa, but if grandpa is dead, how will person A ever be born?

    Just things to get your noggin going again.

  7. Abductions by aliens with superiour technology

    Possessions by demons with supernatural powers.

    It's the same thing.

    Just that one idea was conceived during a highly religious age, and the other in a secular age.

  8. That's all speculation, and rather silly speculation at that. No, we haven't been visited by space aliens.  And consider yourself lucky - they'd probably decide you were good to eat!

  9. theres over 300 species,not all of them are nice. some are trying to help us. they've been here for over 50000 years.

  10. go c a psychiatrist

  11. The joke is on those who think that "aliens" are visiting the Earth.  There are no aliens.  We are alone.

    The folks who visit us in saucers and such are Earthlings from the far distant future.  They have conquered the spheres of Time.  That is why they are queasy about "meeting" us... for fear that they will change the future... in ways that no one can fully fathom.

  12. i think so but they got better technology so they are able to spy on us without us knowing about it. but thats kinda kreepy thow

  13. I think they visit earth because to them we are living in 2,000 BC if you know what I mean...They are much more advanced

  14. The biggest load of rubbish i've ever heard !!!

  15. i don't beliee in ailiens you wierdo

    but thanks for the two points


  16. lol well this guy who worked for nasa just came out recently and is on tv and stuff saying that the us government has found 4 dead martian bodies in the desert and a spacecraft and hid it from the soviets and stuff.. but loike u can only believe so much.. maybe there is life on another planet in this universe or another universe and maybe they are like us or something.. who knows.. u seem to have quite the imagination!

  17. ok i sort of believe it

    but my theory is we were desendents from mars and came here

    to earth through the comet that killed the dinosaurs

    and look at us now we are thinking about colonizing another planet  maybe we did maybe we dident  

    and who knows maybe our visitors are our desendents checking on us  and plus they could be cloaked on mars to where we cant see me crazy

  18. ahahaha that's funny.

    but i've actually wondered that too.

    but it's possicble i guess?

    because maybe they've found some way to turn themselves invisible and come to earth and watch us lol.

    that was a really stupid answer, but i've actually thought about that.

  19. i agree

  20. I don't think you are making sense.  To create a time portal, you would a gravitational force similar to that of a black hole that would bend time-space, which would also tear you to molecules.  And don't you think that when aliens capture you, they sedate you and run biopsies on you while you are being fed through a tube?  And if your theory made any sense, then they would also have the ability to eliminate the sun's gravity as a force affecting time.  No, nothing of the like makes logic.

  21. I think they do come down here to study us the same way we study them. I always thought they did this for that reason or there trying to either be friends with us or idk what else.

  22. some people need to keep open minds...

    I think that does make sense but I don't think we will end for at least another hundred years.

  23. They don't study us. We are their comedy channel, their 3 stooges, their Mars Attacks.

  24. Their here! they have been here for a long time. I do think they are studying us. I think it was a very bad idea that NASA sent out our DNA. We don't know who's out there.

  25. hey hey hey! isn't this the plot to the 4400?.

  26. I don't think any advanced race would even look twice a our tiny little planet

  27. dude, you've got way too much time on your hands!

  28. I am an alien, I have time traveled back to now, I am using a laptop that I telaported from circuit city. I have come to get DNA (Donuts. Nachos and Anchovies) you have been asemalated beep beep take me to your leader Britney Spears.

  29. No. They want to rape our world and enslave our people.

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