
Do aliens visit the earth because our planet is a zoo that they created?

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It's a theory that has been rattling around in my head for a while. Althought we don't know if aliens exist or do actually visit us (but for the nature of the question let's assume they do), if they did is it because they are visiting their creation? One of my theories is that this planet is a zoo which they crearted which houses all of the creatures that they originally placed here. I know that the proof/theory that surrounds evololution probably blows this out of the water but I think that it's an interesting alternative. what do you think?




  1. i think that if you believe that maybe you should join the Scientology, But if that was the case dont you think they would show there selfs to us to let us know they created us or try to help us fix the earth, if not they are pretty sadistic .

  2. what if they look just like us and are amog us and we dont even know?

  3. hmmmm.......

  4. if earth is a zoo tat these aliens have created and we are just like "breeding pets"...tat they have placed to see how we "evolved" come we hardly see our "breeders"....

    ...I tend to my fishes in the aquarium almost everyday.... say is tat we are still the most intelligent if not perfect "creation" in the universe..

    .....and these "aliens" once used to live on earth...

    .....but a DECISION has been made tat humans will rule the earth..and thus these "aliens" have to make way for us....

  5. I think Aliens do exist, but no reason to be alarmed there has been siteings FOREVER and not once have they hurt anything they are no big deal to me if I saw some walking down the street I wouldn't care lol

    I do allso belive somewhat what you do, I belive alot of the earths creations animals etc have come here from them. Of course all my friends think it's a dumb thought but I belive it

    I think thats a really good theory

  6. This idea has been around for many a long year: you probably read it somewhere. Evolution certainly blows Noah's ark out of the water. We will never know.

  7. thi is a very interesting idea. im niot much into evolution, but your idea sounds plausible. and i dont think anyone will ever really know b.c. no one was there when it happened. everyone has their own opinions. and yours is just as good as mine :)

  8. Nah.  It's too free-range and the climate isn't controlled.

    Plus, the zoo must be doing really crummy business.  Human zoos are crowded with spectators all the time.

    Your theory isn't a "theory" as it has no hypothesis that has been tested.  Call it what it really is: "an idea that I pulled out of... somewhere."

  9. well they suck then they don't bother to feed us

  10. no.

  11. I think it's an interesting subject but theres no point thinking about it this deeply unless you plan a career in bs mongering

  12. yup. sounds like an interesting thought

  13. there are definatally aliens think about it considering our universe is sooo amasingly big its pretty vain of us to think that we are the only ones . but hey who says there smarter than us ? many people belive aliens visited us in the past and arceoligist (sp?) found a great ammount of proof of that . but i think if they were here now we would have found them .

  14. Well if it is a zoo, then the zoo keeper needs to get his butt down here are do some zoo keeping, because seriously...this place is getting to be a real mess.

  15. i think that is an interesting theiry that most christians would probably despise. but i do think its possible. I mean the universe is so large we really have know idea whats out there. if it is true, it would be nice for those aliens to show themselves. if your really interested in this than you should read the book "Childhood's End" by Arthur C. Clark. i think you'd like it

  16. idk that's make sence!

  17. There are various weird and wonderful stories about how life might have developed here on this Earth ... as well as the boring scientific one about life being brought here by comets, seeding a lifeless world...

    Here is a document which gives a history of our solar system, and of what civilisations were on the various planets, as well as the start of life here on Earth..

    You can go to this site for further info... (English Discussion Board)  Use the search engine there.

    There is a DVD out, called "The Silent Revolution of Truth" which presents an excellent summary/introduction about the Billy Meier UFO Contacts and the Plejarens.  While this info can be found at various sites, etc --- it is all presented here, on this DVD, and then some more...

    I have researched this particular kind of information for the past 5 years, downloading everything I can about Billy Meier - as well as downloading every UFO documentary I can find - also many other documentaries that deal with ancient civilisations, technologies of the various ancient civilisations, etc etc...

    There is a lot of stuff, that doesn't sound authentic --- so, the site is an excellent site to delve into - who says plainly what is worthwhile checking out, and what isn't...

    No, the Zoo theory doesn't stand up --- you might as well say that other worlds having life on them too, are similarly zoos...

  18. I'm sure the "zoo" theory is possible, but there's not a shred of evidence for it.

  19. Ah now that could explain the behaviour of a few of my friends and acquaintances lol.

  20. The earths plant & animal kingdom was seeded by different civilisations & we ourselves were created by a race so technologicaly & geneticaly advanced it is beyond our current level of comprehenshion. We didn't simply evolve from bacteria & gas! lol

    The earth isn't a zoo, it's meant to be a paradise filled with abundance & in ancient history, over the ages we have been described as the children of the Gods, gifted with abilities we have so far not learnt how to use.

    Our evolution is being monitored by several other off planet entities. Some of which dont have our best interests at heart but we are under protection.

    To learn more read about the city of Atlantis & Stone tablets that point to our history way way back.

  21. Didnt claude Vorilhon (RAEL) come up with this notion? ....a long time ago? The religion is called raelism

    In the book Le Livre qui dit la vérité ("The Book Which Tells the Truth"), Vorilhon claimed he had an alien visitation in December 13, 1973. In a secluded area within a French volcanic crater, an extraterrestrial being came out of a craft which had descended gently from the sky, and told him (in French) that he had come for the sole purpose of meeting with him. The alien being gave Vorilhon a message and told him that it was his mission to pass this message on to the people of Earth.His meetings with the human-like extraterrestrial lasted for six consecutive days, one hour each day.

    The book claims that advanced human scientists from another planet with 25,000 years of scientific advances created all life on Earth through DNA manipulation.These scientists, Vorilhon says, were originally called Elohim or "those who came from the sky" and that some forty prophets in Earth's history were sent by Elohim,but their messages were distorted by humans, largely because of the difference in the level of civilization between the advanced race and our primitive one.

  22. One of the theories I believe is that the world governments are trying to turn us into slaves for an alien race. Thats why we have the EU, and they are trying to make an Asia Pacific Union and a North American Union. Once these are complete, the 3 unions will unite, and we will have a global government controlling the world. They are currently taking our rights away, more and more each day, in order to make us powerless to do anything, when the aliens come.

    So, no, less like a zoo, more like a farm.

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