
Do all Enlistees make the same pay, no matter what rank?

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Do you get any money with being promoted from a lower rank to higher rank without enlisting again? ex. P.F.C. to L.C. or do you only get more money through your number of enlistments?




  1. if you move up in rank then you move up in pay

  2. When you move up in rank, you move up a pay grade.  However enlisted personnel make considerably less than officers.

  3. All the above are correct to some extent.

    If you get promoted you get higher pay.   That applies to everyone.

    If you serve more years,  you get higher pay.  That also applies to everyone.  

    However there is also special incentive pay that some get for doing jobs that are hard to fill.  For example,   a front line Army combat troop gets a bonus for being in that specialty,  a bonus that a cook would not get.

    Add to that,  additional pay for combat and/or hazardous duty.   A guy in Iraq gets more money than a guy in Iowa.   There are also tax breaks so even if they did get the same amount of money,  the guy serving in Iraq gets a tax break that the guy in Iowa does not.

  4. NO, pay is based on both Time in Service (you get a raise every two years of service) and Pay Grade, which corresponds to your rank.

    A SPC (E4) with fours years of service makes more than a PFC (E3) with three years time in service. Likewise a PFC with 3 years in makes more than a PFC with only one year time in service.

    Also, Everyone gets a Cost of Living adjustment every year, usually 2-3% across the board.

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