
Do all European cities have Lords and Dukes, etc residing within the city?

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What I mean, for example: Does every British/English major city have ppl with titles? And are there more than one?

Can a Lord, Duke, Earl, etc, all live in the same city together?

And what about the smaller townships, do these towns house people with titles too?

Know of any English cities that are vacant of titles?

Thank You...





  1. As far as having the title like Lord of Euless, many of thoes titles have died out over time. Of course the major ones, prince of wales, duke of edinburgh, duke of york are still active titles.

    For titles people living inc ertain cities, no where does it ever require people holding a title to actually live in that city. There was actually a T.V. show a while ago about a real life princess moving to america to become a country singer.

    So yes alot of titled people can live in the same city, or they can live in a zoo, it dosent matter!

  2. Lord, no

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