
Do all Shia's practice self injury?

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I was watching a show called "Taboo" on the National Geographic Channel. They were showing a ritual of Shia's beating their chests with razor blades during Muhharam. Do all Shia's practice this ritual, or is it just the uneducated one's who do?




  1. If the self injury does not kill or harm you permenantly, then it is not haram, drinking coffe is more haram then what they do. They fought wars and won on the baises of their belief.

  2. not all of course

  3. most of them,

    self injury prohibited by Allah Allmighty in Glorious Quran

  4. I've heard a minority do.

    Thinking masochistic stuff nessie?  Naugthy naughty. Haram.

  5. no not all shias do that. We show the love for Imam Hussain (as), who the Prophet (s) Himself showed the love for in His life, and that's why He said "Hussein is from me and I am from Hussein."

    If anyone sheds the blood of Imam Hussain (as), that person belongs to h**l, since anyone shedding the blood of Imam Hussain, meaning he has shed the blood of Rasoolullah (saww). And what kind of muslim would shed the blood of Rasoolullah (saww) nauzobillah?

    It's the matter of grief and commemoration that Shias show during the month of Muharram, especially the first 10 days of Muharram commonly known as Ashra, and the last 10th day is known as Aashura. That's when the companions, friends and families of Imam Hussain (as) along with Himself were martyred on the plains of Karbala. Now who wouldn't want to remember this Grand Sacrifice of Syed-ush-Shuhaha (Cheif of Martyrs), Imam Hussain (as)?

    Chest beating and grieving is absolutely halal and allowed in Islam. No problem in that. One shows the love for Imam Hussain (as) while beating his chest or do a hardcore matam. If anyone of your close relatives lets say has passed, would u grieve for him/her or simply sit and forget about him/her? Rationally speaking, you would probably even beat your chest if the deceased was so DEAR to you and if you LOVED him so much.

    Same goes for the Grandson of Prophet (s). The whole Muslim Ummah should instead commemorate the sacrifice of Imam Hussain (as), but why do only Shias do?

  6. yes Most of them, some countries with a bloody things knives swords etc, some only beating with hands like Iran.

    and it's RECOMMENDED by their grand ayatolla's.

    The Ayatollahs Recommend Self-Flagellation



    thanks for you ; ) you r a good example that shias are NOT Muslims

    this shia guy got offended and attack Islam.

    btw the honor killing and beating wives etc please bring me any MUSLIM Scholar said yes it's recomended like when i brought to you many many ayatollas from Qumn Najaf and Karbala the grandest ayatollas for shia recomend that thing.

    lets not only talk  because i can bring to you that a gran ayatolla kissing a men in their mouth

    in here khamanei the gran ayatolla and Supreme Leader of Iran

    so i think all shias are g**s.

  7. Some. Not all.

  8. Only a very small minority. Most Shiaa sheikhs have denounced self-mutilation but the un-educated insist upon practicing it.

  9. I love Taboo!


    and No, all Shias don't do that!

    In Iran people do that without bleeding

    and in areas like India and Pakistan both are very common!

    And all what they do is just for love of Imam Hussain(as) and the grief for the kids of Holy family killed in battle of Krbala on the day of Aashora....

    They remember how the kids with thurst of three days got slapped on their faces when no men(without Imam Aabid(as) was very ill), was to save them and stand against that cruelity of Yazeed Laeen!

    When there are these grieves in nerves they don't really feel being hurt!

  10. good question

    I love skiing, do you :

    in india and pakistan shia's do self injury

    i can see many of my friends in MOHARRAM they do MATAM and beat their body with  knives and walk on the coal

    i have many shia's friends who do same thing

  11. I've never come across it. Probably the media focuses on the few weird people that do that sort of stuff. But don't forget in earlier days when Christians used to be stressed to the max by wars and starvation, they used to do the same kind of self flagellation.  

  12. The grand majority of Shia Muslims do not practise it. Most scholars prohibit it. It is not part of the Shia beliefs.

  13. I've seen that on Taboo, but have never really heard of that in the Shia community.

    During Ashura, they clap their chests while lamenting (sad, sing-song like chants), and some self-flagellate. Self-flagellation is fairly common by some Shia in my area. Many people scoff at the chest clapping, as if that is some weird form of self-injury, but that's ridiculous. That would be like saying clapping your hands to music is self-injury.

    Some Christian monks also self-flagellate, typically to bring on religious ecstasy or to relate to the pain felt by Jesus (as) on the cross. So that would be like asking, "Do all Christians practice self injury?"

    You can also find the videos of Iraqi Shia bloodletting by cutting their heads with a knife, but if you watch the videos, there may be 100 or so practitioners, out of over 100 million Shia worldwide. It is said that the head wounds are relatively painless, but are preferred because head wounds typically bleed profusely.

  14. As much as all Muslims practice wife-beating, honour killing and whatnot.

    Few nut jobs do, most don't.

    No, they don't. I've lived among Shia's for 15 years and never saw a drop of blood or anyone sore. It is forbidden to inflict injury upon one's self according to reputable scholars.

    But Shia haters,  such as Wahhabis who are responsible for the bad reputation Islam currently has and resemble Islam haters a lot, will say they do.


    Hah, some lousy guy thinks it is OK to make fun of other beliefs (and how painfully humourless), notwithstanding that, taking Muhammad's s*x life into account, Islam itself is the most ridiculous religion.

  15. Yep I guess so.. its called Matam i guess...

  16. Not all s**+'as do this and not all Ithna Asharia's do this either. It is a misconception and is like saying all Sunni Muslims are Wahhabis which is not true.

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