
Do all babies have blue/gray eyes?

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what if someone today had hazel eyes,white skin but black hair and is euro-caucasian...i was born with some brown hairs i had white skin...did i have g*y/blue eyes i have no pics and i dont talk to my family




  1. I've seen some newborns with brown eyes.

  2. All three of my kids started out with grayish blue eyes:  This is how they turned out:  One has vibrant blue eyes, one has greenish eyes, and one has regular blue eyes.  I have dark brown and by husband has hazel.

    You eyes color can come from many back generations.

  3. Yeah... I believe all babies have grayish eyes at birth, then they turn to their permanent color later on.

  4. From what I remember when my daughter was born (she's 3 now) all babies are born with grayish eyes, then they darken to their permanent color within a couple months.

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