
Do all bees sting?

by Guest64843  |  earlier

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I was told that those big bumble bees don't sting people.




  1. Not the dead ones.

  2. leaf cutter bees and carpenter bees do not sting.  Honey bees can only sting once, their stingers are barbed and pulls them apart.  Hornets and yellow jackets will sting ya till ya cry for help.  Bumble bees will get you if you disturb them or step on one.  In NC there was an agressive hornet that would go for you if you even got close to where it was.  Black and yellow and about an inch long.  Bees in the ground will get you if you walk across the nest.  Bees can be way nasty.  I didn't drive my car for a day and a half and had a yellow jacket nest in my door--I got 4 stings---for stings the best thing around is meat tenderizer.

  3. Bumble bees do in fact sting people, just not regularly.

    Almost all bees have stingers, except for the drones, who are male and serve only to produce enough sperm to fertilize a queen.

    There is a group of bees that are stingless.  They tend to be solitary (no need to commit suicide to defend a hive when you don't have a hide to defend).

  4. Not all bees have sting. They are ones called 'sting-less' bees.

  5. Not all bees sting but in almost all types of bees there are some who can and will to defend their hives.  The bumble bee you mention, only females sting, and they can give you the most painful sting of all.  They generally don't sting unless you stumble into their nest or accidentally put your hand on one.  Then be prepared for multiple stings. Unlike some other bees bumble bees can sting multiple times and do not lose their stingers when they sting. Wood bees and carpenter bees generally do not sting people, but the female can sting.  They are easily confused with the bumble bee so it is best to leave them alone..  With honey bees, only the worker bees can sting, but then most of them are workers, so take care around them.

  6. In order to be in the family that bumble bees fall into you must have a stinger.  Very few in this family, such as wood bees, have minuscule stinger that aren't a threat.  However,  The bumble bee does have a very potent sting.  The key though is they aren't aggressive in the least.  Basically as long as you aren't grabbing them or sitting on them or tiring to get stung they won't try to sting you.  Bee keeper pick more docile strains in order to avoid being stung.

  7. YES ALL KINDS OF BEES DO STING!  What I heard about bees...after whether bee sting dies because of its vemon is all gone.

  8. No, there are stingless bees.  According to Wikipedia, queen and worker bumble bees can sting, but only in self-defense and if their nest is being attacked.  Sounds like it is right about that - would not test it out.  Good luck

  9. bumble bees are less aggressive than honey bees. aggression is very variable but i think they all have the potential to sting you.

  10. Wood bees dont have stingers but bumble bees do. They look a lot like wood bees, it takes a trained eye to tell the difference. I think they look the same.

  11. i say they all sting =D hope i helped
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