
Do all breeds of cats shed?

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I want a really furry cat, but I feel like all the furry ones shed! Is there a breed that doesn't?




  1. get the hairless cat breed :p

    Brush and groom your cat everday, they love it and it keeps alot of hair from shedding and leaving it everywhere

  2. Devon Rex shed very little.

    Good Luck!

  3. not that I have ever found, I just vacuum up the hair and enjoy my cats.

  4. All cats with fur do shed, long and short haired.  

    If you really want a fluffy cat, plan on regular brushings with an undercoat rake, and you can always lay a blanket or throw on your cat's favorite sleeping spot to cut down on hair on the furniture.

    Also, be prepared for some hairball vomiting as well.

  5. No, There are cats that don't shed such as a Naked Cat. Also some breeds of Short Haired cats don't always shed. In the Summer is when most cats shed.

    Hope This Helps


  6. Basically all cats shed at one point or another. If you want less shedding, get a shorthaired cat or a hairless.  

  7. My Singapura doesn't. Singapura's don't have an undercoat.

  8. Yeah i am pretty sure all cats && dogs shed.

    Alot of animals shed. You really cant get rid

    of sheding but I give my cats baths all the time

    so it decreases sheding. Although my cats

    dont like it too much at first thet get mad but

    they pretty much got used to it! But

    good luck! :]

  9. Long haired cats shed more than short haired for sure. Since you would want a furry cat, I am afraid you will have to deal with shedding. However, shedding can be controlled with regular brushing and a good diet. Cats that doesn't shed much tends to be cats with fine hair like the Sphinx, Rex or Peterbald.  

  10. sphynx is the only cat I can think of

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