
Do all chihuahua must take Caesarean when they are giving birth??

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thanks for the info




  1. Not always but most of them do because of Chihuahua's small body it's quite hard for them to give bird in normal way

  2. Not all, but most need C-Sections due to inexperienced, irresponsible breeders and no health check was done on the dog before breeding took place.  Whenever one decides to breed, the female should always have health and genetic testing done beforehand as well as the stud.

  3. not always, but a lot of times they do.  

  4. Not always..  but most do require cecarians.  Its an expence you should expect to pay "just in case".

    Also people didnt have purebred dogs during the depression era.. alot of people didnt even keep mutts.. most people during that time could barely afford to feed themselves, much less a dog..  there was a time when only the wealthy had purebred dogs.

  5. no, or there wouldn't be any from the depression era. no one could afford a vet then :)

  6. I breed Chi's and no, most do NOT need c-sections.  I have several that are 4-5lbs and give birth without difficulty.  But it doesn't take much for something to go wrong and you better be prepared.  Your vet should be on stand-by in case you have to rush her in.  

  7. No. But they need to be watched carefully. Should only be bred with a male that is smaller than her. Should be x-rayed to find out how many puppies to expect. Be prepared for any and all emergencies. If you really value your Chi...don't take the risk.  

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