
Do all churches exploit their members for monetary gain?

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Do all churches exploit their members for monetary gain?




  1. yes

  2. No. The church I attend does not pass the collections plate and we are never asked to give. There are tithe and offering boxes placed outside the sanctuary for those who want to give. We believe that God provides and He does.

  3. No - the original church Jesus built only asked for money to aid other members in need, and then only to the extent that a giver desired to help.

    2 Corinthians 9:7 So let each one give as he purposes in his heart, not grudgingly or of necessity; for God loves a cheerful giver.

  4. No

    some do however, and they do tend to give the  rest a bad name  

  5. of course

  6. Actually, very few do. If churches exploited their members for monetary gain, then one might wonder who has gained from it. There are a handful of unconcionably well-to-do "preachers" around, especially in the form of "televangelists," but the vast majority of church employed individuals are rather poorly paid, compared to similar jobs in the private sector.

  7. well yeah that's part of the reason they do it:preaching is for money

  8. Every single one of them.

  9. Yes, religion is used by it`s leaders to gain political advantage and fiscal gain.

    It is a system that is used by them to control your every moment and your every deed.

    Solely for their gain.

  10. Not all but many.

  11. Generally, I wouldn't say so.  A church can't really function without money from its members.

    But some of them - oh yeah.  Talk about fleecing the flocks.

  12. Tything. What is it 10% of a salary?

    theres nothing in the Bible about that, (I think) except the old lady that gave a coin to Jesus, when a collection was underway ... And Jesus said as she was really poor, "look at her! she has given all she has, which means she has given more than all of you!" Lots had given much more and were laughing at her piddly coin.

    Thats it. I dont think people should go without so they can tythe.

  13. Yes. That is their purpose, to make money. Always has, always will.

    Back when I was a church going fool. I gave regularly like anyone else. One day my business failed and soon made only 1/3 of the money as I did before. The church was one of my "expenses" I had to cut to afford to feed my family. Since then, the bigger players in our church stopped talking to us and we ended up sitting at a table alone during fellowship time. We were ignored and talked about. It was as if we had no right to be in their church without giving money to them.

    Religion was formed to extort money from superstitious people and control them.

  14. Exploit? No. Need money to do the things they need to do...yes. There is a difference. }

    As a Christian, I am the first to admit that some church leaders have used believers to fund their lavish lifestyles but I don't think those are true representatives of God. I am not against people having possessions, but when money could be used to help others by providing meals, medicines, housing seems a shame that it goes to enhance the church leaders or for that matter the church building itself. There is a difference between using the money to live....and using the money to live lavishly. To me, excess is never a good thing.

  15. Do all atheists listen to anything a scientist tells them?

    It's ignorant to lump all churches, religions, races, etc. in a group.

  16. Yup, they need to, and if that fails the Vatican has billions invested.  

  17. JWs don't we give freely just the way God likes it.

  18. Here's some lines from the movie Roadhouse:

    "As long as it keeps you in the good graces of the Church"

    "Ain't it peculiar how money seems to do that very thing"

  19. YES, Yes, Yes the more fear and control they gain the more money is past into the plate : )

    Love & Blessings


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