
Do all collection agency matters show up on your credit report?

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or do they have an option to report your debt




  1. Yes they do....the ones that don't is because it just hasn't happened yet. In rare instances you may get a 'kind' collection agent who helps you out by not reporting you in turn for a payment(s)

  2. Well it doesn't happen automatically, they have to actually post it on there.  So yes, you are correct that they have an option to post it.  There's no law that says they have to.

    The thing to bear in mind with these guys is that they don't care about your credit report.  All they care about is getting paid.  As long as you owe them money, you have the advantage.  Once you pay them, they have zero incentive to do anything for you.

    What I recommend is faxing or emailing (or otherwise in writing) tell them when and how much you will pay them (full amount gets the best results) and indicate you will make that payment (they like credit card over the phone) ONLY upon receiving a letter from them on their letterhead that they will not post anything on your credit report with regards to this account, or if they already have that they will remove it within 30 days.

    Don't make payment, in any amount, until you get that in writing by mail or fax, with their letterhead and a signature.

    That is really the best and fastest way to either keep bad debts off your credit report, or to clean it up once they get on their.

    Bear in mind too that these collection agencies often sell bad debts sometimes as often as every 30 days, so you sometimes have to act quick, and everytime a bad debt is posted by a new company it can stay on your report for 7 years from that date, regardless of the original date of the delinquency.  Once a company has sold the debt to another company, they have very little incentive to do anything.

  3. They all report- this is how they get paid, by making it show on your credit they know you will pay eventually if you want to buy a house, car etc.  They usually will send you a notice & give you 30 days to pay or dispute before they report it though.

  4. they show

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