
Do all dachshunds yawn a lot?

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Does your dachshund yawn a lot?




  1. what exactly is dog breat?  My doxies snore, but they don't yawn much.  In humans, yawning is a sign of lack of oxygen to the brain, or lack of exercises.  Prego dogs will yawn more than studs when getting close to labor.

  2. My sister has a Dachshund. I hadn't ever really thought about it before, but now that you mention it, I guess he does :) His name is Pickles, he's adorable.

  3. What's going on when your dog is yawning?

    Yawning is a sign of stress in dogs, its there way of saying Hey this is to much for me to handle.  

  4. My two don't, I have dachshunds, their only 2yrs, I had 13 yr, 17 yr

    never yawned alot

  5. come to think of it...

    i don't have one, but i have close friends who do.  i remember going to their house and watching their dachshund YAAAAWWWWWWNN and YAAAWWWWWNNN and YAAAWWWWNNN... i asked them if he always does that and they said yes.  whenever there is a dachshund at the shelter, i always see them yawn too!

  6. Ha, yes!! My doxie always does this, normally happens when he licks my face too much and get a nice waft of dog breath. :)

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