
Do all dreams have meanings?

by  |  earlier

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well i had a dream that my boyfriend wanted me to meet his frined so we 3 went or met up at a resturant. so they were sitting across each other and i sat next to him.. then i saw my brother outside and got him then went back inside. then i saw him and it looked like he kissed the girls arm while kindof touching it...yeah so i was so mad i started to grab theyre hair and smashing theyre heads togeather and yelling at them and stuff and punching them and theyre was a cornor type thing on the wall behind the girl and i kind of push or punched the girl and her head hit the point and she was bleeding alot. it was like needle point it was like the edge of a wall and a retangle cloumn was connecting it with other walls. so please help me i really dont think hes cheating on me. please tell me what you think it means or atleaste if all dreams have meaning or if its just a random dream. ii cant stop thinking aobut it.




  1. could mean that there was something in the way of your bond with your boyfriend but you finally got it out of the way so you guys are now closer

    not all dreams have meanings but a lot do.

  2. No, dream interpretation is a highly "soft" entity and is entirely subjective.

    Dreams usually are simply are merely a manifestation of stress in one's life.  This is consistent with modern psychoanaytic theory.

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