
Do all freshman football players in high school have to start out on the freshman team?

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Or can they be on jv if they are good enough? And also is it different for every school?




  1. The high school I went to in Texas will allow freshman to play on JV but not varsity. Sophomores could play on varsity though.  

  2. You can start on Varsity if you're good enough. Personally i think they should all stay on the freshman team but sophmores should move up if theyre good enough.  

  3. It just depends on the rules or the program.

    In most schools, if a kid is good enough, and big enough, they will play at a higher level. But the problem is ussualy Freshman are still kinda small, and that age it can be very hard to compete at a higher level. Even if you are really good.

  4. Not all freshman has to start out on the jv team. But it's up to the head coach to put a freshman if jv or not. Because some freshmen play as good and some freshman don't. If the freshman is as good as a senior player should be then the coach would definetely put them on the team.  

  5. They have to play freshmen year on the freshmen team. You have to check the rules. I know my school in massachusetts, you cant play on jv if your a freshmen.

    Its also because a freshmen is so much smaller, younger, and slower. He would get murderd.

  6. big schools keep you in freshman and jv nomatter what your talent, but little schools are more none for booting up star freshman to varsity.

  7. Its different for every coach, It is possible for even Freshman to make Varsity. The coach is the one with the power, if he thinks a kid is good enough they can get called up, its all based on talent and work ethic.

  8. its possible but trust me i wouldnt do it... im a 10th grader im playing varsity instead of JV.... i almost hope i get moved down... its a ton of work and i go against ppl way bigger and stronger.....

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