
Do all girls really like hairs on the man's Chest?? if no/yes.. why???

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Do all girls really like hairs on the man's Chest?? if no/yes.. why???




  1. only if its really fine hair.  otherwise, i dont like it.  its just not attractive to me.  like i used to think morris chestnut is so fine until he took off his shirt and he had all that hair on his chest.  actually, he is still fine once he has his shirt on.  and its a shame that all that hair is covering up those beautiful abs.

  2. The answers here will make you think all women hate hairy men. Well most women do dislike hairy men, but then there are quiate a few who love their men to be hairy. Trust me, I got one, n she loves it when i dont shave. There aint no logic to it. Its the same way as most guys like buxom women but some dig the less endowed. some like it slim some like it fat. Some like the guys smooth, some like them hairy.

  3. no not at all

  4. no not all o them well i don like it cuz if he is wearin ne thing that shows a part of his chest he wouldnt look so good

  5. i do, it has a thing too it, can't exlplain. Anyway it's all about you n comes down to  what you like.....

  6. Not a chance...clean face, clean chest. I like them smooth as a baby's bottom.

  7. Yes.  My wife likes to count all 4 of them.

  8. yes because they could play with it when they lay down

  9. Nooooooo...gross, do you like to l**k hair?

  10. If you have to have it needs to be sparing and be fine.  Nothing wrong with a treasure trail though....

  11. No...because if I wanted to feel a carpet I would just kneel down and touch  the one on my floor. It just nasty to be hairy one is a cave person anymore.....and it just really is not s**y......I've never looked at a gorilla and thought to myself...oooooh he is just so freakin' s**y ...I've just gotta have him right now ......NO, its just plain wrong people !!!!!!!!!!!

  12. Nope!  We are not Gorillas.

  13. Yes.  Take a look at Pierce Brosnan and think.  The answer is there waiting for you.

  14. No we don't like it but sometimes we deal with it.  I have been married for 6 years and contemplated shaving the hair off of my husbands chest in his sleep because it is gross.  His friends even joke about it with him.  I honestly think it is gross.  Hair holds alot of sweat, and I think if he requests in the most subtle way for me to shave downstairs he should at least attempt to shave for me.

  15. Don't worry about what "all girls" like, worry about what the girl you like really likes, because not all girls like the same thing.

  16. no, I can't stand hair in my mouth

  17. Yes they like because they feel romantic and s**y when touching and playing with those hairs. But any lady may hate hard hairs, they like soft hairs.

  18. It depends on the man. Just like with anything else, what works for some doen't work for others. My ex had hair on his chest and it was great! He was s**y and beautiful enough to pull it off. I also went on a date w/someone else who had a hairy chest and it turned me off. So you never know?

  19. i personally dont like tooooooooooooo much hair...but some hair wont hurt...right?!

  20. no a lot of women do not like hair on a man's chest.  Bare skin is softer and more sensual.  Do you like hair on women's legs?  It is probably a similar thing.

  21. I like my men smmmmmoooooth!

  22. I think this preference might go back to what their dad looks like (and also if they had a good relationship with their dad).  My dad is as hairy as a bear, so I expect that men should be hairy.  All of my friends who are of non-hairy races can't stand hairy guys.  It's really about what you grew up with and also the attitudes of close female relatives.

  23. eww, no.  Hairy chests are just icky .  I don't want to "pet" my man. that's what animals are for.  I prefer smooth landings ...the only permittable hair is the happy trail.

  24. No. It's like hugging The Fly.

  25. h**l no its pretty nasty

  26. YES....I love a hairy chest,MMMM,to lay in the soft hair ......Don't get me started....

  27. No, no no. Ewww.  I can't tell you why exactly, but hairy chests just remind me of dirty old men. I much prefer well defined lightly tanned bare chests.

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